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small, everything starts with something small. a ruin, a letter, a kiss, a smile.

small and delicate, Vane though i was all of the above, it hurted me to see that in his eyes every damn time he glanced at me from the corner of his eyes as he handled the stolen car. it was a mustang Shelvy, not comfy, but it was a sports car, fast.

i like fast, facisinated by the whole, miles per hour, i just stared at the dashboard as Vane started at the road, and peaked at me

"who were your parents" always the same question since we left the old abandon garage,

"i don't know, the remembrance should of helped, i just got blurry fog" i wanted to trust Vane, his help, demanded it, but i was concealed on the yelling figure of my dad, the one that i saw, i could almost touch him, and for now, i will not trust no one, i will not fallow anyone, i was here, for them, i needed to know them, to know something.

"i told them, i should of gotten to you when you were solid, the mind is more accesible that way, keen may be the word, you were afraid from the moment i saw you walked through"

stalker, he said it in such a way, as if he was planning on doing it almost always, as if he saw me coming, as if he knew who i was

"you know something don't you Vane?" it was the first time i used his name in a nice way, asking maybe the truth of someone with the gift of persuasion was delicate, cause they know the technique

"i do, but you are not ready Adrian, just trust me, Seattle will clear the landscape, until then, who were your parents?"


it rained for days, Vane droved us to the nearest Shop, my mouth was dry, my hair sticky and sweat trickled down as i stood from the leathered seat promising on keeping me hostage, my asscheeks felt numb, my hands and arms unused and sore, Vane was hyped, all over the shop, walking, running, peaking at me from the stalls as to my state. but i enclosed the door to the bathroom, i needed sometime away, i needed my thoughts to myself, but in that same moment a knock came to the door, it was solid metal, and the loudness rattle my head "Adrian?" shit, this boy never left me

"yes" i replied with some angst to be left alone

"just making sure, are you alright?"

"if you leave me,i will"

no more noises came form the door.

i walked out after i had placed smooth watered on my face, looked myself in the mirror and saw what i was afraid of, my hair was getting the curly waves, my irises were blotchy red, and my pony tail was not supressing the damn mess of hair i had going on, i hated my heritage what ever my parents gave me, but somehow it was the only thing they had, apart from a great deal of money, it never was a problem until my foster parents discovered it, sadly for them i had to turn eighteen before i had access to the money, sadly also is that they died that same night, as i knew it would.

i knew they deserved it, every single thing. come with a prize, i was sad to see her go, by glad he did,

renewed from space alone, i returned to the car, Vane was staring out his window, holding a white car between his fingers, turning it around, and when i opened the door his eyes left the card and returned to mines,a wide smile playing on his lips, forbidden i though. he is so forbidden, "you worry me, you don't talk, you hate your past, and i don't know nothing, not even your birthday" i sighted placed my seat belt on and stared out, i hated keeping him from my thoughts when he was the one provoking them, i hated what happened in that house, the freakish thing i had made him see. but still he didn't depart on me, he stayed and cacooned me into his arms as a new born, and i felt safe maybe were his persuading words that made me calm down, or the soothing visions i never had had, but it sure was soemething else. as never i have felt. "remember i have answers Adrian, only me" and he plunged the car forward, as we sped off into the interstate, his comment lasting as stretch marks on my head, making me confess to myself, he was right, but if i did tell him, if i did tell him, what had happend would he still be here.

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