chapter 4

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As Shadow entered Rin's dimly lit room, the sound of the door creaking slightly echoed through the quiet space. The faint smell of ink and parchment filled the air, and papers were scattered across the desk, evidence of Rin's recent studies. She sat by the window, moonlight casting a soft glow on her focused face, but her gaze shifted when she noticed him approaching.

Shadow's presence was calm but commanding. His usual stoic demeanor betrayed nothing as he crossed the room and stood before her. He let the silence linger momentarily before speaking, his voice low and measured.

Shadow: "Alright, Rin. Here's the plan."

He glanced around briefly, ensuring no one else was nearby before continuing.

Shadow: "I'm going to accompany you to school—not just to maintain my cover, but to keep an eye on my master and recover my power. No one must suspect anything."

Rin blinked, surprised but trying to process his words. She'd always been aware of his secretive nature, but this was different. His usual cryptic attitude now carried a weight of urgency, as if something far more dangerous was lurking behind his calm facade.

Rin: "You're... coming to school? As my cousin?"

She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at its absurdity. The thought of Shadow blending into her everyday life was difficult to imagine. He was too powerful, too... him.

Shadow smirked faintly, sensing her skepticism.

Shadow: "Yes, something like that. It'll be easier to move around unnoticed that way. We need to ensure no one connects me to anything beyond the surface. I'll be close enough to protect you—and others, if necessary—but I'll need to be discreet."

His words hung in the air, and Rin studied him for a moment longer, weighing the seriousness of the situation. There was something in his tone, a hint of vulnerability that she rarely ever heard from him. But as always, Shadow maintained his unreadable expression, refusing to let anything slip further.

Rin finally sighed, leaning back in her chair.

Rin: "Fine, cousin."

She gave him a playful smirk, but deep down, she understood the gravity of what he was asking. Protecting his cover, his power, and their safety—it was all interconnected. And now, her everyday life at school was part of the strategy.

Shadow nodded in approval, his eyes briefly flickering with something unreadable before his mask of indifference returned.

Shadow nodded in approval, his eyes briefly flickering with something unreadable before his mask of indifference returned

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Shadow: "We start tomorrow. Be prepared."

Rin leaned forward, her playful smirk fading as a more serious look crossed her face. She had questions—questions she'd held back for a while, but if they were going to work together, she needed answers. Her eyes met Shadow's directly, her tone more assertive now.

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