6. Zerena's Pursuit

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The air on Zinari Station clung like a damp shroud, thick with the stench of oil and ozone. Flickering lights fought to illuminate the labyrinth of rusted walkways, but it didn’t matter. Zerena moved effortlessly through the shadows, her cloak tight against her body, concealing both her face and her purpose.

Years of living like this—on the run, always two steps ahead of the Dominion’s hunters—had honed her. But today, survival wasn’t enough. She was hunting something far more dangerous: knowledge. A secret so potent, it could shift the tides of war. But to unlock it, she needed allies.

The information she had stolen about the Void Gates was only the beginning. Void Tech, the ancient, nearly forgotten network of gateways capable of instantaneous travel, held unimaginable power. If the Dominion harnessed it first, they would be unstoppable. But if Zerena mastered it, the Resistance could finally gain the upper hand—if she could trust them.

Her footsteps whispered across the metal deck as she approached the sprawling market district of the station. Outcasts gathered here—pirates, smugglers, rogue technologists. Secrets traded as freely as credits. Somewhere in this dark underbelly, Zerena hoped to find the one person who could help her decode the stolen Void Gate data.

Her heart beat steadily beneath her calm exterior. Whispers had led her to a single name: Kaiden Threx, an engineer who had once worked on Void Gate prototypes before vanishing into the underworld. If anyone could help her, it was him.

Zerena moved through the market’s chaos—traders haggling, machinery clinking, the sharp tang of burning metal thick in the air. Her eyes scanned the stalls, searching for signs of Threx’s hideout. This place was alive in a way the sterile Dominion research labs she once knew never were.

At the edge of an alley, she paused. The shadows ahead seemed to deepen unnaturally. Her hand tightened around the blaster beneath her cloak—a familiar weight that had saved her countless times. Danger thrived here, but so did she.

A figure emerged from the darkness, tall and imposing. His face hidden behind a mask, his movements precise. This wasn’t a common thug.

“You’re looking for Threx,” the man said, his voice low and mechanical through the mask. “You’re not the first, and you won’t be the last.”

Zerena didn’t flinch. “I’m not here to waste his time. Or mine.”

The man tilted his head, studying her. “You’ve come far for someone who should be dead. The Dominion doesn’t like loose ends.”

“Neither do I,” she replied evenly. “Now, will you take me to him, or are we just going to trade threats?”

A hollow chuckle escaped the mask. “Bold. I like that. But Threx isn’t one for visitors. You’ll have to prove you’re worth his time.”

Her hand drifted closer to her blaster, but she held back. “I have something Threx will want. Something he can’t afford to ignore.”

The man paused, considering her words. Then, with a gesture, he motioned her forward. “Follow me. But if you’re lying, you won’t leave this station alive.”

Zerena smirked beneath her hood, confidence unshaken. She’d gambled with worse odds before. As they wove through the dimly lit passageways, her thoughts remained on the Void Gate data. She’d barely scratched the surface of its secrets, yet even that glimpse had left her awed—and terrified. The power was staggering, but unlocking it would take more than just her skills. She needed Threx.

They finally stopped before a reinforced door. The man knocked twice, and a moment later, it slid open with a hiss, revealing a cluttered workshop. Tools and parts littered the space, and screens displayed schematics far beyond the Dominion’s best engineers.

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