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3rd person

The sun had barely risen when the kids left the gas station, groggy and stiff from a restless night. Despite their attempts to sleep in shift, none of them had gotten much rest. The constant dread of zombies lurking nearby kept them all on edge. Now, as they made their way toward the mall, they were running on adrenaline and nerves.

The sky was pale blue, with streaks of orange and pink in the distance, casting long shadows across the cracked pavement. They walked in a tight group, their backpacks bouncing with each step, but the early morning light did little to soothe their nerves.

"Are we sure this is a good idea?" Norman asked, breaking the silence. His voice was quiet, like he didn't want to be heard by anything hiding in the bushes. "I mean, we don't even know if the letter was real. What if it's just some prank, and we're out here for nothing?"

"Then we're just wasting time instead of being in school," Isabella replied, rolling her eyes. "Which sounds like a win to me."

Karl snorted. "Yeah, i'd rather face a zombie apocalypse than listen to Mrs. Jensen talk about fractions again."

Isabella smirked, but her usual sarcasm was dulled by the fear that gnawed at her. As much as she joked, there was a pit of anxiety in her stomach. She kept a tight grip on her backpack straps and glanced around constantly, her eyes scanning the overgrown streets for any sign of movement.

Miles, walking slightly ahead of the group, was unusually quiet. Normally, he'd be cracking jokes or complaining loudly about his aching feet, but today he just looked lost in his thoughts. He occasionally looked back at the others, as if to make sure they were still there. His usual confidence seemed to be wavering.

"You alright, Miles?" Allison asked, noticing his silence. "You're weirdly quiet. It's freaking me out."

Miles shrugged but didn't answer immediately. After a few moments, he said, "I guess i'm just thinking... What if there really is someone at the mall? What if this isn't a prank?"

"Then we're figure out what they want and why they dragged us into this," Isabella said firmly, her voice leaving no room for doubt. "We didn't come this far just to turn back now."

"I just hope we don't find anything... worse," Miles muttered

The path to the mall was longer than they expected. They had memorized the layout of the outside world from lessons in school, but seeing it in person was different. The world beyond the town's walls was vast and unfamiliar. Streets they only had seen in maps or books were now stretching out before them, cracked and overtaken by nature.

"Does anyone actually know how far the mall is?" Norman asked, trying to hide the shakiness in his voice.

"It should be close," Allison said, pulling a crumpled map from her pocket and squinting at it. "I think we just keep heading straight and—"

A loud rustling sound from a nearby alley made them all freeze.

Isabella instinctively stepped in front of the group, gripping the handle of the small knife she'd taken from the gas station's tool section. Her heart pounded in her chest as she stared into the shadowy alley, but nothing moved. The air felt still again, like the world was holding its breath.

"Please tell me that was the wind," Karl whispered.

"Shh," Isabella hissed, her eyes never leaving the alley. They waited in tense silence for a few more moments, but no zombies emerged from the shadows.

Finally, Miles let out a shaky laugh. "Okay, let's just pretend that didn't happen and keep moving, alright?"

"Yeah, i'd rather not stick around to find out," Norman agreed, quickly picking up the pace as the group started walking again.

They continued on, the tension never fully leaving their group. Every sound seemed amplified—the rustling of leaves, the distant call of birds, the crunch of their footsteps on the gravel.

After what felt like hours, the mall finally came into view. It was looming in the distance like a giant, crumbling beast, its once-glamorous exterior now faded and cracked. Vines snaked up its walls, and broken windows stared back at them like empty eyes.

"There it is," Allison said, pointing. "We made it."

"Great," Karl muttered, "Now we just have to not die when we go inside."

"I bet the food court's still got something," Miles joked, though his voice was strained. "Maybe some zombie pizza."

Isabella forced a laugh. "I'd eat it."

The closer they got, the more real the danger felt. The mall, once a hub of life and excitement, was now an eerie monument to a world long gone. As they approached the entrance, the massive doors loomed over them. Isabella glanced back at her friends, each of them looking just as anxious as she felt.

"Well," she said, taking a deep breath, "no turning back now." she pushed open the door, and they stepped into the unknown.

Inside, the air was thick with dust, and the silence was deafening. The light filtered through the broken skylights, casting eerie beams across the empty hallways. The group stuck close together, their footsteps echoing in the vast emptiness.

"Stick to the plan," Isabella whispered. "We get in, we figure out if this letter is real, and then we get out. No splitting up."

"Why would anyone want to split up?" Norman muttered. "This place is a horror movie waiting to happen."

They moved cautiously, their eyes darting from shadow to shadow, every creak and groan of the old building sending a spike of fear through them.

As they turned a corner, something moved in the distance—just a quick blur of motion.

"Did you see that?" Karl whispered, his face pale.

"Yeah," Isabella said, tightening her grip on her knife. "Stay close."

The group moved forward, their breaths shallow and their nerves frayed. They didn't know what was waiting for them, but one thing was clear:

whatever had brought them to the mall was far from over

whatever had brought them to the mall was far from over

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