Part 1

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Kim Euihyun sat slouched in the back of the dimly lit auditorium, his fingers mindlessly drumming on the keyboard of his laptop. A guest speaker was delivering a lecture on cybersecurity, but Euihyun wasn't paying attention—not until he heard the name.

"Yeo Taejoo," the speaker announced, as a tall figure with yellow hair sauntered up to the podium. The casual smirk on Taejoo's face immediately set him apart from the usual serious tech crowd.

Euihyun glanced up, intrigued. Yeo Taejoo was a legend in the hacking world, known for his laidback demeanor, yet infamous for pulling off impossible digital heists. Rumor had it that Taejoo could breach any system with one hand tied behind his back. And right now, he looked more like a carefree surfer than a notorious hacker.

As Taejoo spoke, his voice was calm, almost too relaxed, but every word was laced with confidence. He made hacking sound as easy as a joke he was telling just to amuse himself.

Euihyun rolled his eyes. "Arrogant," he muttered under his breath. But inside, his mind was racing, already analyzing Taejoo's methods.

Then, as if sensing the subtle challenge in the room, Taejoo's gaze wandered and locked onto Euihyun. The smirk widened.

"Of course, hacking isn't just about breaking in," Taejoo said, his tone suddenly lighter. "It's about knowing who's watching you while you're doing it. Like our friend back there."

The entire auditorium turned to follow Taejoo's gaze. Euihyun felt a chill crawl up his spine. His fingers froze over his keyboard. Was Taejoo teasing him?

Taejoo leaned against the podium, looking far too casual. "Why don't you show us what you've got, since you seem... unimpressed?" His tone was playful, but there was a challenge hidden beneath it.

Euihyun's heart raced, but his expression remained unreadable. Without saying a word, he stood up, his black hair falling over his eyes. The tension in the room skyrocketed as he made his way to the front.

"Let's see if the legend lives up to the stories," Euihyun said, his voice low, yet cutting through the silence.

Taejoo raised an eyebrow, clearly entertained. "Be my guest."

The next few minutes were a blur of code, firewalls, and rapid keystrokes. Euihyun dove headfirst into the system, determined to outshine Taejoo's reputation. But as the clock ticked, he noticed something—Taejoo wasn't trying to out-hack him. He was just sitting back, watching, an amused glint in his eye.

"You're good," Taejoo said, leaning closer, his voice now teasing. "But..."

Before Euihyun could finish his last line of code, the system froze. The words Access Denied flashed across his screen.

Taejoo chuckled. "Too slow, kid."

Euihyun stared at the screen in disbelief. It was impossible. He had calculated everything perfectly. Yet, Taejoo had locked him out, effortlessly, and with time to spare.

Taejoo's smile turned softer, almost approving. "Not bad though. For a college student."

For the first time in years, Euihyun felt something stir inside him—an itch, a challenge he couldn't ignore. He wasn't just outclassed; he had been played with. And something about Taejoo's teasing, laidback attitude only fueled his desire to prove himself.

"I'll beat you next time," Euihyun muttered, his dark eyes narrowing.

Taejoo chuckled again, patting Euihyun on the back as if they were already friends. "Looking forward to it."

And with that, the game was on.

To Be Continued ...

Hello everyone.

soo this story has been in my draft for almost an year now .I was really reluctant to publish this but thanks to my friends i was able to publish this .

Thanks guys it is because of ur motivation that i was able to do this.

Hope you really like this....❤️❤️❤️

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