Part 3

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Days passed, but the feeling of that night at Yeo Taejoo's apartment clung to Kim Euihyun. Every interaction replayed in his mind—the closeness, Taejoo's teasing remarks, and that smirk. The loss gnawed at him, but beneath that was something even more unsettling: the way Taejoo had looked at him, as though he wasn't just a competitor, but someone worthy of... attention.

Euihyun found himself thinking of Taejoo more than he wanted to admit. It wasn't just about proving he could beat him anymore—it was about understanding the man behind the laidback attitude. Why did Taejoo challenge him? Why did he care if Euihyun was distracted or not? There was something more in the way Taejoo spoke to him, something that tugged at Euihyun's usually cold exterior.

Late one night, as Euihyun worked alone in the hacking lab, a message popped up on his screen again.

Taejoo: Still brooding over your loss?

Euihyun's fingers paused over the keys. The same feeling—that strange mix of frustration and anticipation—rose in him. He typed back, his response curt.

Euihyun: No. What do you want?

There was a long pause. Euihyun stared at the blinking cursor, his heartbeat quickening for reasons he didn't want to acknowledge.

Taejoo: You.

The message was simple, but it hit Euihyun like a punch to the gut. He blinked, unsure if he'd read it right. His hands hovered over the keyboard, but his mind was blank. What did Taejoo mean by that?

Before he could respond, another message appeared.

Taejoo: Relax, I'm kidding. I want another match. Tonight. Or are you scared?

Euihyun clenched his jaw, his frustration with Taejoo's constant teasing bubbling up again. But mixed with that frustration was a pull, a strange desire to see Taejoo, to face him again—not just as a rival, but as something more. His fingers moved before he could think twice.

Euihyun: Fine. Where?


Later that night, Euihyun found himself back at Taejoo's apartment. The door opened before he even knocked, and Taejoo stood there, the same casual smirk on his face.

"You're quick tonight," Taejoo said, stepping aside to let him in.

Euihyun ignored the comment, walking straight to the desk where they'd faced off before. His heart raced, though he tried to keep his expression cool. Something about this felt different from their previous encounters. More charged.

Taejoo followed behind, his usual teasing demeanor softening as he took his seat. "So," he said, stretching his arms behind his head, "you ready to lose again?"

Euihyun shot him a glance, his eyes narrowing. "I'm not here to lose."

Taejoo grinned, clearly enjoying the fire in Euihyun's words. "Good. Let's make this interesting, then." He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a low murmur. "If I win, you owe me a favor. No questions asked."

Euihyun froze, taken aback by the sudden shift. "And if I win?" he asked, eyes locked on Taejoo's.

Taejoo's smile widened, a spark of something deeper in his gaze. "Then I owe you one. No limits."

Euihyun considered the offer, his heartbeat loud in his ears. It was reckless, but something about the challenge—the stakes—thrilled him in a way he couldn't deny. He nodded, determination flaring in his chest.


The game began. Once again, they were locked in a fierce battle of code, their minds working at lightning speed. This time, though, Euihyun wasn't distracted. He was completely focused, determined to outsmart Taejoo. He moved faster than before, anticipating every move Taejoo made.

But just as Euihyun was nearing the final stages of the hack, something unexpected happened. The screens flickered, then went dark.

"What—?" Euihyun's voice was sharp, his eyes darting to the equipment. "Did the system crash?"

Taejoo chuckled beside him, far too calm. "Nope. I turned it off."

Euihyun stared at him, dumbfounded. "What? Why?"

Taejoo leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms as he looked at Euihyun, that familiar teasing smile still on his face. "Because I wanted to talk."

Euihyun blinked, completely thrown off guard. "Talk?"

"Yeah," Taejoo said casually. "You're always so focused on the hacking, I thought it might be nice to actually have a conversation for once."

Euihyun stared at him, unsure whether to be annoyed or... intrigued. "You could have just said something instead of turning off the system in the middle of a match."

Taejoo shrugged, clearly unbothered. "Where's the fun in that?"

Euihyun sighed, leaning back in his chair, though his eyes stayed sharp on Taejoo. "So, talk."

Taejoo didn't say anything right away. Instead, he just looked at Euihyun for a long moment, his playful demeanor slipping just a little. There was something more serious in his gaze now, something that made Euihyun's pulse quicken.

"You're interesting," Taejoo said finally, his voice quieter than before. "I don't usually meet people who challenge me like you do."

Euihyun's heart skipped, but he kept his face neutral. "Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

"Maybe," Taejoo replied, that teasing glint returning to his eyes. "Or maybe it's just the truth. Either way, I like it."

Euihyun didn't know how to respond to that. His mind raced, but the cool, uninterested mask he always wore felt dangerously close to slipping.

Taejoo stood up suddenly, stretching as he walked over to the window, gazing out at the city lights below. "You don't have to keep everything so locked up, you know," he said, his voice soft but carrying a weight that caught Euihyun off guard. "It's okay to let people in once in a while."

Euihyun's eyes widened slightly at the unexpected words. Taejoo wasn't teasing him anymore. This was... different. And for the first time in a long time, Euihyun felt his walls start to crack.

But before he could say anything, Taejoo turned back to him, his playful smile returning. "Anyway, I'll let you win next time—if you ask nicely."

Euihyun rolled his eyes, though he couldn't help the faint smile that tugged at the corner of his lips. "Not a chance."

To Be Continued ...

Hope you really like this chapter....❤️❤️❤️

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