Part 6

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The hours that followed were a blur of frantic typing, countless cups of coffee, and a growing sense of dread. Blue Rider was fast—too fast. Each time they thought they'd created a defense strong enough, he found a way through. It was like watching a predator toy with its prey.

Euihyun wiped sweat from his brow, his eyes glued to the screen as he raced to counter another breach. Taejoo sat beside him, uncharacteristically silent, his focus razor-sharp as he monitored every line of code. The tension in the room was palpable, like a ticking bomb waiting to explode.

Then, a new notification popped up on Euihyun's monitor—a direct message from Blue Rider.

Blue Rider: You're not as clever as I thought you'd be, Taejoo. And your little sidekick? Cute, but not cut out for this.

Euihyun's heart skipped a beat. His hands clenched into fists, and he glanced at Taejoo, whose expression had darkened. Taejoo leaned in, his voice low but filled with a quiet rage. "He's trying to rattle us."

"I don't rattle," Euihyun replied, but his voice wavered just enough for Taejoo to notice.

Without a word, Taejoo's hand gently brushed against Euihyun's shoulder, grounding him. It was a brief touch, but the warmth it carried was enough to steady Euihyun's nerves.

Taejoo leaned closer, his voice calm but firm. "Don't let him get in your head. Focus. We're better than him."

Euihyun nodded, determination flickering in his eyes. If Blue Rider wanted to play mind games, fine. But he wouldn't be the one to break. Not when Taejoo was right beside him, not when everything they'd worked for was on the line.

The digital war continued through the night. Every attack from Blue Rider grew more vicious, each one aimed not just at their systems but at their confidence. Yet despite the mounting pressure, Euihyun and Taejoo held their ground, barely managing to repel the worst of the onslaught.

Then, just as the sun began to rise, everything went silent. The attacks stopped. The screens went dark. For a moment, neither of them moved, the quiet unnerving after the chaos.

Euihyun looked up from his laptop, confused. "What's happening?"

Taejoo frowned, his fingers hovering over his keyboard. "He's gone... or he's planning something else."

Euihyun's phone buzzed on the table, and he instinctively grabbed it. A single text message had appeared on his screen.

Unknown number: You're in over your head, kid. Walk away while you still can.

A chill ran down Euihyun's spine. This wasn't just an online threat anymore—Blue Rider had found a way to contact him directly.

"He's targeting me," Euihyun said, his voice low as he showed Taejoo the message.

Taejoo's expression darkened, his jaw clenching as he read the text. Without a word, he snatched the phone from Euihyun and typed out a response.

Taejoo: Back off. This isn't a game.

Within seconds, Blue Rider's reply appeared.

Blue Rider: Oh, but it is. And I always win.

The message was followed by an image. Euihyun's blood ran cold as he stared at it—his apartment building, taken from the street, as if Blue Rider was watching him at that very moment.

Euihyun's heart pounded in his chest, panic rising. "How did he—?"

Taejoo slammed the phone down on the table, standing abruptly. "We're moving. Now."

Euihyun blinked, caught off guard. "What? Where are we going?"

"We're not staying here." Taejoo was already grabbing a duffel bag, shoving equipment and cables inside with practiced precision. His usual laidback demeanor had vanished, replaced by a focused intensity that bordered on fear.

Euihyun hesitated, feeling his pulse quicken. "You think he's—?"

"I know he is." Taejoo's voice was sharp as he cut him off. "Blue Rider doesn't make empty threats. If he knows where you live, you're not safe here."

The gravity of the situation sank in as Euihyun quickly packed up his laptop, following Taejoo's lead. His mind raced, trying to keep up with everything that was happening. Blue Rider had found them, and now they were running—racing against time to stay one step ahead of someone who always seemed two steps in front.

They left Euihyun's apartment under the cover of early morning, moving quickly through the streets of Seoul. Taejoo led the way, his tall frame moving with purpose as he navigated through the narrow alleyways. Euihyun followed close behind, his heart pounding with every step, the weight of the situation pressing down on him.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached an inconspicuous building in a quieter part of the city. Taejoo unlocked the door and led them inside. It was a small, windowless room, filled with computers, monitors, and stacks of hard drives—Taejoo's safe house.

Euihyun dropped his bag on the floor, exhaling shakily as the adrenaline from the chase began to fade. Taejoo, on the other hand, moved with a sense of calm efficiency, setting up the equipment and scanning for any signs of Blue Rider's presence.

"We'll be safe here for now," Taejoo said, his voice softer now that the immediate danger had passed. He glanced at Euihyun, his eyes searching for any signs of fear or hesitation. "You okay?"

Euihyun nodded, though the exhaustion was starting to catch up with him. "Yeah... I'm fine. Just... processing."

Taejoo walked over, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We're going to beat him. But we need to stay smart."

Euihyun looked up at him, meeting his gaze. In that moment, something passed between them—a silent understanding, a trust that went beyond words. No matter what happened next, they were in this together.

Euihyun's fingers brushed lightly against Taejoo's hand, a small gesture that said more than he could voice right now. Taejoo's eyes softened just slightly, his usual teasing nature flickering back into place.

"Don't worry," Taejoo said with a smirk. "You're stuck with me now."

Euihyun smiled, the tension easing just a little. But the threat of Blue Rider still loomed over them, a shadow that refused to fade. And in the back of his mind, Euihyun knew that this was far from over.

To Be Continued ...

Hope you really like this chapter....❤️❤️❤️

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