Chapter seven

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Chapter 7: Living with Truths

James's POV

The sunlight crept into the room, casting a soft golden glow on Lyanna's sleeping form. James lay still beside her, his fingers absentmindedly tracing the lines of her skin. She had told him the truth last night. Not just about her being a Mikaelson or a hybrid—those he had come to accept—but about the weight of that legacy. About the darkness that came with her family name.

And somehow, that had made him love her even more.

He couldn't stop thinking about how powerful she was, how ancient her family was, and the unimaginable things she'd seen. Despite all of that, she had chosen him. A wizard, yes—but human, by comparison. In all of her lifetimes, she had never let someone like him in.

And now he couldn't help but wonder, as he lay beside her, *what if it's not enough?*

He gently untangled himself from her, trying not to wake her, and quietly made his way to the kitchen. His thoughts whirled as he brewed coffee. The truths between them were no longer hidden, but that didn't mean it was easy. He still hadn't told her the full scope of the war in his world—the growing threat of Voldemort, his involvement with the Order, or how dangerous it was becoming.

James rubbed his hands over his face, thinking about how he'd been so protective of Lyanna, wanting to shield her from that side of his life. But the truth was, she didn't need protection. She was older, stronger, more dangerous than he could ever be. And that scared him more than he was willing to admit.

As if on cue, Lyanna walked into the kitchen, her bare feet padding softly on the wooden floor. She was wearing one of his old shirts, the one that hung loosely on her frame, and despite the weight on his mind, James couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"Morning," she said, her voice still husky from sleep.

"Morning," he replied, handing her a cup of coffee as she approached.

She accepted it with a small smile, sipping quietly as she leaned against the counter. The comfortable silence between them was something he had come to cherish. But today, there was something unsaid in the air—something that had been lingering since last night.

"I know what you're thinking," Lyanna finally said, her voice low but direct.

James raised an eyebrow. "Do you?"

Lyanna set her cup down on the counter and walked toward him, her eyes meeting his. "You're worried that I don't need you, that I'm too... strong, too dangerous for you. That my world will swallow yours."

James opened his mouth to argue, but she silenced him with a look. She always knew what was going on in his head, even when he couldn't find the words.

"You're right," she continued softly. "I've lived through more than you can imagine. But you, James Potter, are more than enough for me. You ground me. You remind me that there's more to life than just surviving. I don't need you to protect me from danger. I need you to love me—like you already do."

James swallowed hard, her words hitting him deeper than anything else had. He reached for her, pulling her close and pressing his forehead to hers. "I love you, Lyanna. I'm not worried about who you are—I'm worried about losing you."

She smiled softly, her hand coming up to cup his cheek. "You won't lose me."

For a long moment, they stayed like that, holding onto each other as if to cement that promise.


Later that Evening

Dinner with his parents was something James had been dreading. His mother, Euphemia, was always keen on family traditions, and now that he was married, it felt like an unspoken ritual to officially introduce Lyanna to the Potters. But the more immediate challenge was navigating this evening with Alana, his younger sister, now back from Hogwarts.

James glanced at Lyanna as they entered the dining room, her hand fitting perfectly in his. She looked calm on the outside, but he could tell by the way she lightly squeezed his hand that she wasn't as relaxed as she seemed. It was understandable—his world was as foreign to her as hers was to him.

Sirius and Remus were already at the table, talking to his parents, while Alana sat with a tense expression. She hadn't said much since she found out about their marriage. Lyanna glanced at Sirius, who flashed her a charming grin, oblivious to the discomfort his flirtation had caused earlier.

Remus, however, was much more aware. He nudged Sirius with an elbow, muttering something about boundaries. Lyanna gave them a polite smile before turning her attention back to James, her hand still in his as they approached the table.

"James, Lyanna," Euphemia greeted warmly, gesturing for them to sit. "It's lovely to have you here."

His father, Fleamont, smiled kindly, though there was a touch of curiosity in his gaze. "We've heard so much about you, Lyanna."

Dinner started off as expected—polite conversation, his parents asking questions about how they met and what they planned for the future. James felt Lyanna grow slightly more tense as the questions grew more personal, but he kept her hand in his under the table, his thumb brushing over her knuckles to reassure her.

"And what about your family?" Euphemia asked gently, though her eyes were sharp with interest. "The Mikaelsons... they're a very powerful line, aren't they?"

Lyanna stiffened slightly, but her voice remained calm. "Yes. My family has been around for quite some time."

James could feel the undercurrent of tension building, especially with Alana's eyes darting between them. She hadn't said a word since they sat down, but her silence spoke volumes.

After dinner, while James's parents cleared the dishes, Lyanna moved to help them. He watched her, admiring how effortlessly she moved despite the obvious tension. It wasn't until he followed her into the kitchen that he saw the way she was gripping the edge of the sink, trying to steady herself.

James came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pressing a kiss to the back of her neck. "You're doing great."

She exhaled, leaning back into him. "Your family is lovely, but it's hard pretending to be normal."

James chuckled softly. "There's nothing normal about any of us."

He kissed her again, more slowly this time, his lips lingering against her skin. "I love you, Lyanna," he whispered against her ear. "And nothing about your past, your family, or your power will change that."

Lyanna turned in his arms, her eyes meeting his, filled with love and gratitude. "You've changed everything for me, James."

Before either of them could say anything else, the sound of laughter echoed from the dining room. They both turned to see James's parents standing at the entrance, watching them with soft smiles. His mother's voice broke the silence.

"I've never seen you so happy, James," she said, her eyes glistening with affection. "We love you both. But when the time is right... you'll need to share all of your world with each other."

James nodded, knowing she was referring to the magical world and the war that loomed on the horizon. But for now, in this moment, all that mattered was the love they shared.

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