Chapter 6

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"YOU LIED" she slapped right through my face and collapsed in my hands. I grab her and make her sit on a couch.

"Esha Esha listen to me. You see those two kids?" I said pointing towards her siblings who were watching her sister's breakdown in shocked. 

"They need you, your behavior terrifies them. You need to pull yourself together for them. Nobody can took a better care than you. You know their needs and wants. You're the one who they look for in trouble if you yourself couldn't able to find yourself right at this moment then you'll not only loose yourself but also them. They are suffering from the same pain. All three of you share same grief and only together you can fight over this" She stayed silent and keep staring at her siblings.

"Now decide you want to end your life for those who you already lost or wanna live for those are alive?" she tilted her head towards me and whispered "Live for the alive" She said with teary eyes.

"Good" I smiled "Thank you" she said squeezing my hand. I sigh and stood after wipe her tears.

"Come" i hold saad and alishba's hand and they stood in front of her sister still terrified, shock and confused. They looked at me

"Don't worry, your sister is back" I gave them assuring smile and Esha extended her hands in air to hug them.

"I'm so sorry, now I won't do anything stupid. I promise" she said in between her sob.

"Together you rise and Together you shine, always remember, never leave one's side" I said and they nodded.

"Okay so everything settled?" I asked rubbing my cheek where I got slapped. 

"Oh sir, I'm sorry for earlier, I wasn't myself" Esha said apologetically.

"It's okay, just make me one promise?" she frowned

"You'll ever try to harm yourself, no matter what happen" I asked in dead serious tone.

"I promise I will never do anything like this ever, because now I have a reason to live" she said turning to her siblings.

"And I'm grateful towards you for saving my life, I owe you" i nodded and turned to leave but stopped midway.

"Yes you can join from tomorrow if you want, but i'd suggest take rest for a day or two, regain your energy and come back fresh. You have a lot to do" I smiled and she nodded

"Okay i'd like to join from day after tomorrow" she said.

"Good decision" I said and drove off.

After coming back from Esha's home I took a long shower and was just laid down at my bed when my phone rang.

 "Yes Ali?"
"Sir Mr. Wali want you to approve the contract for mall at west coast."

"Yes Ali approve it and mail me the details and yes I dont want any disturbance tonight so please manage, call only if it is very important otherwise i'll see you in the morning" I said over a phone.
"Ok, Sir" he said.

My eyelids get heavier and i doze off.

I was in my office doing some paper work that Esha had to complete but because of her absence I had to do it on my own, my office phone interrupted.


"Sir a girl name Suzzane is here to see you, she says you knew about this meeting but in my records it isn't mentioned"

" Suzanne? What is she doing here now.
"Let her come" i said over a phone
"Ok sir"

In another 5 minutes she rush in without a knock.
"You forgot your mannerd, you should knock before entering to somone's  office. Anyways what brought you here, I think I already made it clear at our last meating that I don't want to see your face."

"Just shut up okh" she slam her fist in anger.

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