Year 2190
It was documented in my history books as the Nexus Phenomenon. The day in which the first ever wormhole or like my father emphasized, Einstein- Rosen Bridge, had ever appeared in our solar system. It was recorded to have been open for precisely two hours, thirty six minutes and seven seconds, only being witnessed face to face by those that resided on the Interplanetary Space Station, which just happened to be where my dad stood that day.
And it didn't just happen once. Over the next few years, more began to appear, some would open wider and stay longer, whilst others disappeared within minutes. As if teasing the thrill seeking astronomers of what lies on the other side, which just happened to pique the interest of every government on every planet.
What was beyond it?
Well, it didn't take long for the higher ups to try and figure that out, with the invention of the OWER, a state of the art rover; it was the first thing to get close, only to be completely obliterated as it was pulled in.
But that- of course- didn't stop the curiosity of mankind.
If anything it just fueled the research and emptied the pockets of those with a taste of thrill. And after many many trials, it finally happened, a rover had successfully made it through to the other side. Sending signals and images back to headquarters, which allowed the ISS to collect various images of planets so not like the ones we've seen. And it was beautiful.
"A bridge to another part of the universe appeared", my dad exclaimed softly beside me, his hands grasping onto my favorite blanket as he tucked me in. He had finally returned after seventeen months at the ISS and was now reciting my favorite bedtime story. "It was unnoticeable at first, only being picked up on our radars, until it expanded a little and then a lot more, big enough for a car to fit through and it stayed there for-."
"-two hours, thirty six minutes and seven seconds," I finished his sentence with a knowing look.
He smiled down at me, "My Atlas."
It didn't take long for plans of sending a ship filled with explorers into the wormhole, which wasn't surprising seeing that every planet in our Solar System had already been explored. Humans had become very familiar with space travel, the population of Mars was close to 260,000 and the six planets left were studied throughout.
I wasn't there for the Nexus Phenomenon that my dad spoke so highly about, but I was there to witness everything that would come from it.
And the first thing was named the Exodus project.
Plans to send a group of researchers through the wormhole, so that we can see for ourselves what was on the other side. Another Earth perhaps? One untouched and habitable. The best astronomers from all planets were to travel over the bridge, in search of a planet we can call home. It was deemed safe, after the years of rovers and research done on the wormholes. But like everything else in life that wasn't 100% certain.
And my dad happened to be the one chosen to lead the team through.
My ears pricked up at the discussion that was taking place, my mother's voice was laced with worry which differed from my father's own, that held so much passion. I stood behind the door, with my head pressed against the cold wood listening to them go back and forth.
I would soon come to know the cause of their argument as I waved goodbye to my dad, with a frown etched onto my lips. He was going to miss another recital. The normal routine commenced as he kissed me on the cheek, but the hug was different, he had squeezed a little tighter.
The first Explorer's mission.
Every country had tuned in to see the blast off of the XR22 Spaceship, that held my dad and four others, the best of the best. I remember that day clearly, the bad feeling in my stomach and the tears in my eyes as I clutched onto my dad's hand. He held a black suitcase in his, one that I knew all too well. My face was mushed into his chest as he held me, squishing Moon my stuffed bear that was attached to me since I could remember. A mix between the normal excitement and a sense of fear radiated off of my dad, something that was rare.
A part of me had felt happy for him, and at my young impressionable age, who could blame me, I took on his excitement for something I had yet to see. But I had wished that for once, he would have chosen my mom and I. That he would have filled his already purchased seat in the front row of my recital and left the space traveling to someone else.
"I'll come back," he said, wiping my tears away. "I can't get too far, without my Atlas, and... oh I seem to have forgotten the rest, can you finish it darling?"
"And if you... if you get lost I'll find you." I muttered out.
"You'll find me." he smiled at me and I smiled back.
My dad left. To take on the mission to see the other side. To travel to another time in space.
If only I had known.
I didn't understand at the time that it would be the last that I would see of him.
That this time he wouldn't come back to me and that I couldn't go to him.
It wouldn't be a normal several month's trip to the international space station, but it would be years.
The recital was the least of my worries. The nutcracker tune now made my stomach sick, bringing painful memories to the forefront of my mind, more than I could bear.
In the next fourteen days, eleven hours, twenty two minutes and forty three seconds, the bridge closed.
It closed, before they were able to make it out.
It closed and hadn't opened since to that Galaxy.
It closed without me ever getting to say a proper goodbye.
Other's opened, but it was never the same galaxy. Never.
The Explorer's : In The Beginning
Science FictionThe Nexus Phenomenon: The first appearance of a wormhole in the Earth's Solar System. A single event that took place within the chaos of a dying Earth, and soon became the source of hope for those who still had some left. Atlas Lileo still had hop...