Chapter 24

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Maya's Pov:

Josh left yesterday I was still a little sad but I've gotten better. I'm still sick witch means I'm throwing up a lot. Today I thought that Riley Lucas Farkle and I could go to our hang out. We haven't talked all together in a long time. I was getting ready to go then Riley walked in.

Riley: Maya you ready

Maya: Ya lets go

We talked and laughed and laughed at people. Riley and I went back home and started getting ready to go to sleep. Once we were done I went to the bathroom and started throwing up again. After I was done I brushed my teeth and went to sleep.

Josh's Pov:

I wonder what Maya's doing. Is she with Lucas is she with Riley. I just can't get her out of my head. What if I text her. No she wouldn't reply. Should I call her. No she wouldn't answer. I don't know what to do I want to hear her angle voice again. It was late so I went to sleep thinking about Maya.

Mayas Pov:
Riley and I woke up and watched tv in our room a little bit until I threw up again. Why am I that sick probably because I don't take medicine. Nor I ever will. Riley walked in the bathroom to check up. I was on the floor.

Riley: Maya?

Maya: Ya Rilies?

Riley: I've been thinking about something and I think this is not going to end well but is it possible you might be.....pregnant


Maya: What... Me pregnant... Right when Josh left

Riley: Though you might not be.

Maya: Riley come with me to the store

Riley: ooo what are we getting

Maya:pregnancy tests

Riley: oh ya right

Me and Riley went to the store to buy a pregnancy tests and then we got back home. I locked myself in the bathroom and did what I had to do. I was waiting. It was now time to check. What if I am pregnant Josh is back home. He wants to go to collage. What will Mr.matthews say . All these thoughts ran through my head I looked down.

Maya: it's .......

Joshaya:Best MistakeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin