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"Hang on, I'm coming down." Taco dropped the radar and took off her headphones at the sound of Test Tube's words, though keeping the bush she was hiding in with her.

"What?!" Microphone whispered through the headphones.

Taco was sucked into the chute, dropping down into Test Tube's lab as she and Microphone talked. "Jeebweezer... yeah, I like that! I'm going to use that more."

The door burst open, and Lightbulb came running in with a pack of Dr.Fizz. "Hey Tube! How much do I owe you for the three of these? I think I'm going to splurge today." She said with a smile.

Test Tube's eye twitched before she ripped in half a whiteboard that had the words Test Tube's Secret Laboratory, the word "secret "was crossed out.

"I guess I should just start charging ADMISSION now, huh?" Test Tube laughed sarcastically, an enraged expression on her face.

Lightbulb had her head on her hands. "Sorry... I drink when I'm depressed..." She shot up. "Which I'm not! Nooo I am not."

She took a drink from one of the cans of Dr.Fizz. Hacking shortly after as a crab shot out from her mouth and onto the counter Lightbulb was resting on. "And I found Baxter!" She said, a smile replacing her sad look.

"He'd have one too, but he's never depressed. Now... how much do I owe you for these?" Lightbulb grabbed a calculator-looking device and started typing in numbers. "Uh, 'kay, let's see... um..."

Test Tube's eyes went wide as she ran towards Lightbulb. "No! Jeepers, it's not ready yet!"

"I mean, this machine's ridiculous-" She was cut off as a green portal sucked her and Test Tube into it.

"Whoa!" Microphone exclaimed, eyes wide and worried.

Taco leaped out from the bush, heading closer to the portal, mesmerized, she extended a hand towards it. "Another chance... perhaps?" She mumbled.

Microphone's eyes went wider as she watched her partner in crime slowly walk closer to the portal, nervous she'd get sucked in. Before Taco could touch it, it warped closed. Taco frowned, her hand drooping as she looked back at Mic, whose mouth was gaping open.

"Nonononononnono..." Microphone was pacing around the laboratory. Taco leaned beside a table.

"Microphone, calm down! They aren't dead, they're just... lost in the fabric of time and space." Her serious expression fading into glee. "How wonderful! You got rid of two competitors, you're on a roll!"

Microphone paused her pacing, taking her hands off her head as she looked at Taco. "I saw... you reach for it."

Taco looked away for a moment. Before Mic could say anything else, she turned around to look at the many inventions, trying to change the subject. "Without that bum around, an empty lab to boot!"

She grabbed a black bowtie, putting it on and pressing the white button in the middle, a green flash emitted, and Taco was gone. "Oooh, you can't see me, but I'm being inconspicuous!"

Before Taco could press the button again, the machine gave a whirring sound and the green flash happened again, this time revealing Taco. She looked down at the bow and clicked it a few times, nothing happened.

Microphone waved her arms. "What are we going to tell everyone?!"

"Zilch! That's it, that's your excuse." Taco said walking towards her with the bow still on. She smiled. "I love zilch. It's always there for you."

Microphone watched her walk away again, before she heard yelling outside. A panicked look formed on her face. "Shoot! The challenge!"

Taco pointed to the door. "Hurry."

Microphone nodded and ran out of the lab from the door. Taco watched her go before turning around and walking back to the table with the bows. "Hmm... there's a matching one." She grabbed a white one and placed it into her shell.

Her eyes moved to the side where a small lime-green ray-gun was placed. "Well- this is odd."

She picked it up, it was small enough to fit in her hands, a perfect match. "Ooooo....I'll keep this for later." She hid it in her shell and walked out of the lab, closing the door with a slam. 

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