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I let out another groan as we finally land in America, meanwhile Jiyoon is taking pictures of absolutely everything and anything.

I smile at her excitement and it lowkey also gets me excited. She wraps her arm around mind and drags me to the baggage claim when suddenly a whole group of people come barging through, some of the people even being paparazzi.

Both of our heads jolt to where the commotion is happening. Jiyoon lets go of my arm and runs to the large group of people as I gather our things. I grab both suitcases and follow Jiyoon.

She does a funny bunny hops and taps me on the shoulder "OMGOMOMG MIMI!!! ITS ENHYPENN" she screams in a whisper way, while pointing at the members.

The members start to head out and do the usual line up pose thing they do at the airport. Jiyoon runs to be one of the first people at the crowd as I walk slowly behind her trying not to involve myself in the crowd.

Jiyoon manages to snag a spot at the front and waves at Jake who smiles back and waves but tries his hardest not to make it look obvious it was directed to her.

I was staring at Jiyoon who was getting excited from her small interaction with Jake not even noticing Heeseung staring right at me. He whispers to Jake and Jake whispers back as he nods.

The seven boys then head into the car and the car drives away. Jiyoon turns around and faces me with the biggest smile ever. I laugh at her expression.


We enter our hotel room, which Jake had treated us too "damn IF HE WANTED TO HE WOULD" I joked, causing Jiyoon to completely ignore me and just take pictures. I roll my eyes at her action and collapse myself on the bed.

Jiyoon notices a flower on the table in the corner of the room with a note "from your secret admirer winky face" Jiyoon reads. Her smile going from ear to ear as she lets out another squeal.

I fall asleep on the bed due to my jet lag and wake up a few hours later to Jake, Jiyoon and heeseung playing jenga on the table.

I groan and tuck myself further into the bed 'ive gonna be fucking dreaming that is not real.' I say when suddenly I feel a force on the bed, it was Jiyoon jumping 'ok not a dream wtf is going on..'

I get up from the bed and rub my eyes and notice the boys staring at my half asleep figure. "Uh hello" I say my voice cracking and raspy.

Heeseung lets out a chuckle "morning sunshine" he teases as he excuses himself from the game. He walks over to the small kitchen in the room and grabs a bottle of water, opens it and hands it to me.

I grab the bottle and my eyes close the bottle still in my hands.

AUTHOR: this might be confusing but yall know how like you hold smth and like ur sitting on ur bed ur eyes closed ur not moving like trying to process whats going on? 😭😭

Heeseung tucks a strand of hair away from my face "hey, get up cmon" he says in a soft tone his hand cupping my cheek.

I groan and start drinking the water and he lets go of my cheek. He takes the water from my hands and closes it back up placing it on the bedside table.

He sits on the edge of the bed, whereas I sit close to him but more on the middle. I finally get up and off the bed and he stays on the bed but his body moving to follow my movements. He sees I'm still in my airport outfit, he chuckles. "You're still wearing that?"

I nod "I fell right asleep after that plane ride I was so tired." He smiles "don't outdo yourself." I grab a few clothes from my suitcase and walk into the bathroom to change, when I come out I see that Heeseung returned to the game.

Jiyoon lets out a big groan as she grabs the piece causing for the tower to fall. The boys laugh at her and she playfully pushes them.

Jake then offers to get everyone some food "I'm going on a vending machine run, you guys want anything?" I shake my head "no thank you!" And Heeseung mirrors my actions. Jiyoon then "alright then bye suckas!!" She jokes as her and Jake head out the hotel room.

Heeseung takes a seat next to me on the bed. "Why are you here?" I ask him. He chuckles "Jake chose this hotel so he could visit Jiyoon."

I let out a little giggle at Jake's action, causing Heeseung to laugh as well.

A few mins pass by and the room is dead silent, only thing that can be heard was our breathing.

Heeseung tilts his head to look at me and I notice from the corner of my eyes. "What are you looking at?" I question him.


I try my best to hide my face with my hair, not wanting him to see my flustered state. When suddenly Jake and Jiyoon enter the room laughing while eating some ice cream.

"Cmon hyung we gotta go back!! We got a concert tomorrow!" He reminds Heeseung and waves Jiyoon and I goodbye.

Heeseung who's still next to me ruffles my hair before leaving "bye Mimi." My heart drops at his words "Mimi" was a nickname I always had since I was kid and I haven't heard him call me that since we were together. I chuckle to myself "bye hee."


𝙏𝙄𝙈𝙀 || heeseung ffWhere stories live. Discover now