Liam's pov:

"Okay boys! Your free to leave!" The recording manager said. "Thank bgod," we all said in unison. I love to sing and everything but it can get tiring really fast. Before I got out the door, Niall came over to me. "Hey Li you have mail." I rolled my eyes. Probably just more fan mail. I usually just put it in a stack and wait until I forget about them..but this is just one note..I guess I'll read it. I ripped the side of the neatly handwritten envelope and pulled out a folded piece of paper. I was surprised at what I read.

'Dear Liam Payne,

I know you'll probably never ever get this. I know you probably won't even take the time to read it..but I thought if you ever did, you could help me. I go to Locknus High school. I'm 17 years old. My name is Brittany Grace Nicole and I am bullied. My parents don't care for me. I have to skip school 3 times a week because I'm scared out of my mind. I even tried to kill myself once. But if you could save me, I promise you won't even know I'm there. Most people don't anyways. Please, please just come save my life. Please. I'm begging you.


Brittany Grace Nicole.'

My eyes widened and I was completely taken aback. I got in the limo still looking at the note. "What's wrong,mate, you look flustered." Louis said.

I handed them the note with confusion probably written all over my face.

"Wow..." Harry said. "We need to save her before she does something stupid."


Brit's POV:

I woke up with a terrible headache. I turned on my side and saw it was already 9:00a.m. I guess I'll just stay home today. I went into my bathroom and took some aspirin and went downstairs to lay on the couch. I turned the TV onto Disney channel and fell asleep.

3 hours later.


I snapped up to a rude awakening. My dad burst through the door, bottle in hand. I sank down into the couch and watched him. He's really mean when drunk. He went upstairs and I heard a door slam. Thank the lord. I ran out the door and to the front of my school building. I waited on the bench an waited for the last bell to ring. When it did, guess who was the first one out? If you said jake and his were right. :( I hoped he wouldn't see me but had no luck.

"Hey Brit Brit! We missed you in school today!" He said dripping with sarcasm. I rolled my eyes. He came over to me and grabbed a hold of my arm. "Jake let go!" I yelled. He started pulling me to the back of the building. "No!" I screamed. I started tugging and kicking. The 4 of his friends all picked me up and started carrying a fighting Brittany to the back. All of a sudden there was beeping and yelling.

Dear Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now