Welcome to "Between Manga and Drama!" This story is a blend of slice-of-life, comedy, and romance set in the delightful universe of Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun. Expect plenty of light-hearted interactions, character growth, and maybe some awkward moments as Y/N navigates her feelings for Hori and her secret life with Nozaki.
Spoilers: While the story will draw on the established relationships and dynamics from the manga, expect original plotlines and interactions that explore Y/N's journey, her friendships, and her feelings for Hori.
Enjoy! ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
Between Manga & Drama (Hori Masayuki x fem reader)
Fanfiction"Between Manga and Drama" is a heartwarming and comedic fanfiction that follows Y/N, a childhood friend of Mikoshiba and Kashima, as she navigates her life intertwined with the quirky world of Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun. While secretly helping Nozaki...