Chapter 6

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Inheriting a Draconian Mantle – Book 1

By Stargatesg1fan1

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the recognized characters or universes within. If I did…I would have ended the Inheritance Cycle with Arya and Eragon in love and entangled in a heated, naked, and sweaty mess in their bed. Harry Potter would have been smarter and taken every opportunity he had to make love to the gorgeous Miss Granger and when they were old enough he would have made her the next Mrs. Potter.

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As time drew on Hermione began to stress somewhat about the upcoming final exams. Even though the exams were ten weeks away Miss Granger was studying as much as she could for them. Harry, Tonks, and their other friends all found ways to distract the blossoming bookworm from her self induced stress. Harry's method of pleasuring Hermione so that she couldn't think straight seemed to be most effective. The teachers had increased the homework load accordingly but Harry still did not find the work much of a challenge given that he had memories from several people completing the same assignments.

One night Saphira discovered something quite surprising.

"Harry…I believe the groundskeeper, Hagrid, has a dragon in his hut," Saphira announced.

"A dragon," Harry replied in surprise.

"A baby but a dragon none the less. I can smell and hear it. I think it just hatched. My own scent was masking the little one while it was in its egg but now that it has hatched I can smell it," Saphira explained.

When Harry teleported onto Saphira's back the dragon flew down to the groundskeeper's hut. The structure was already smoldering because the baby dragon had set the structure ablaze on the inside. Draco Malfoy was peering inside the hut through one of the small windows. The Rider reached into the Malfoy heir's mind and caused the blonde to go away and forget any knowledge of dragons.

Saphira gazed in through the window with her Rider and the pair saw Hagrid cooing over a small black dragon with stubs where horns would eventually grow and large orange eyes. The groundskeeper was unaware that his hut was on fire but became aware moments later when the flames rushed up an entire wall. Hagrid turned to confront the blaze and at the same time Saphira relaxed her collar's concealment of her scent. The baby dragon immediately picked up the elder female's scent and rushed towards the window.

"Norbert," Hagrid shouted in dismay as he turned to see his new dragon escaping.

"Take him into the trunk Saphira," Harry urged his companion as Norbert, a dragon the wizard now recognized as a Norwegian Ridgeback, followed its nose right up to the invisible larger dragon.

Saphira waited until her Rider was off of her and the baby dragon was touching her before activating the portkey feature of her collar, taking her and the smaller dragon into the forest within her wizard's trunk. Harry had already disillusioned himself and watched as Hagrid took off into the Forbidden Forest searching for Norbert. The invisible wizard put the fire out before teleporting into his trunk. Hagrid would spend the next week fruitlessly searching for the dragon but couldn't exactly tell anybody what he had tried to keep as a pet. Raising dragons in Britain was illegal without Ministry authorization.

Norbert took to Saphira and Saphira took to the baby dragon. The trunk forest provided plenty of space for the baby dragon to grow and thrive without threat of a larger predator eating it. The same could not be said for the Forbidden Forest given some of the dangerous creatures that lived in that wooded realm.

Inheriting a Draconian Mantle Book 1 by stargatesg1fan1 Where stories live. Discover now