Chapter 5

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Inheriting a Draconian Mantle – Book 1

By Stargatesg1fan1

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the recognized characters or universes within. If I did…I would have ended the Inheritance Cycle with Arya and Eragon in love and entangled in a heated, naked, and sweaty mess in their bed. Harry Potter would have been smarter and taken every opportunity he had to make love to the gorgeous Miss Granger and when they were old enough he would have made her the next Mrs. Potter.

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When November arrived the weather grew colder. This time was also the start of Quidditch season. It was the first Saturday in November that Harry's first Quidditch match against Slytherin house took place. The Potter heir could feel Snape and Dumbledore's glares on him. This was nothing new. The older pair of wizards had been glaring regularly at the Potter warlock ever since he had thrashed both. Harry still went to potions class but Snape no longer acknowledged the first year's presence after coming to the realization that Dumbledore couldn't punish the celebrity. The Rider knew that wasn't the end of things and suspected something would eventually happen but felt reasonably confident that he was prepared for whatever came. The shape-shifter ignored the glares and downed a healthy breakfast.

The stands surrounding the Quidditch pitch were filled by eleven o'clock. Quite a few spectators sported magical binoculars called omnoculars. The basic model just had magically enhanced vision to help the viewer see over greater distances and focus in on smaller objects but the more expensive models could record scenes viewed for later playback. Susan, Hannah, Cho, and Tonks had joined Hermione and Neville in the Gryffindor stands to cheer their friend on. The group sported a banner which read "Go Harry!" One of the girls had enchanted the letters to glow and zip around the material the banner was depicted on.

Wood gave the team a speech he repeated before every match Harry knew from his copied memories. The Potter heir tuned Wood out for the most part as he focused on the coming match against Slytherin. The green eyed Rider followed his team out onto the pitch where Madam Hooch was waiting as referee.

"I expect a clean game for all. Mount your brooms," Hooch directed.

Harry's memories from the twins told him Hooch never did anything to stop any games that weren't clean. After the players were on their brooms Hooch blew her whistle and started the match. The fifteen players shot into the sky.

"Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor has taken possession of the Quaffle first off because she is an excellent chaser and quite good looking as well," Lee Jordan began to announce.

"Jordan!" McGonagall's voice cut in over Lee's commentary with censure.

Harry tuned Lee out as he tracked the snitch, never letting it leave his incredible sight.

"This game doesn't seem to be a challenge for you," Saphira pointed out.

"No it isn't," Harry agreed as he flew around the pitch while pretending to search for the snitch. "But it excites the witches."

Harry's reply got an amused snort out of his dragon. The Quaffle was being run up and down the field meanwhile before Gryffindor finally scored the first goal.

"These magicals are quite excitable about this game in general," Saphira observed as the Gryffindor stands cheered loudly at the goal scored.

Inheriting a Draconian Mantle Book 1 by stargatesg1fan1 Where stories live. Discover now