Chapter 2

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Inheriting a Draconian Mantle – Book 1

By Stargatesg1fan1

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the recognized characters or universes within. If I did…I would have ended the Inheritance Cycle with Arya and Eragon in love and entangled in a heated, naked, and sweaty mess in their bed. Harry Potter would have been smarter and taken every opportunity he had to make love to the gorgeous Miss Granger and when they were old enough he would have made her the next Mrs. Potter.

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Harry decided to get his school uniform first so headed towards the shop labeled Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. The witch running the establishment was a short woman who was friendly enough, especially when she noticed the ring with a large P on it on Harry's finger.

"Are you here for your Hogwarts uniform, Sir?" The proprietor inquired of the wealthy young wizard. "I have everything you need. We have a young lady in your year being fitted as well."

Harry was guided into the back of the shop where a girl his age was being fitted by an assistant. The girl had chestnut brown hair that seemed a bit frizzy but possessed a cute face with curious eyes. An attractive woman in her thirties that could only be the girl's mother stood nearby examining the robes her daughter was being fitted with while the girl's father sat on a bench reading a newspaper with moving pictures.

As Malkin got him onto a stool and began fitting him Harry said, "Hello there. I'm Harry. I'm going to be a first year at Hogwarts."

"Hello," the girl greeted with something of a blush. "I'm Hermione. I'm going into my first year as well. This is my mother Emma Granger and that's my father over there reading the paper, Daniel Granger."

"Hello, it's nice to meet you Harry," Emma greeted with a kind smile as Dan nodded distractedly while scanning the paper intently.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," the wizard responded to the Grangers.

"Do you know much about Hogwarts?" Hermione questioned.

"Not very much at all," Harry admitted. "I just found out I was a wizard earlier today when I got my Hogwarts letter. It took some persuasion for my aunt and uncle to tell me my parents were a witch and wizard."

Madam Malkin gasped as did her assistant who couldn't help but overhear the conversation.

"Is there something unusual about Harry just finding out he is a wizard Madam Malkin?" Emma questioned the proprietor.

"Goodness me yes," Malkin declared, flustered. "We've been told for years in all of the literature that Harry Potter was being properly cared for under the guidance of Albus Dumbledore. If he has not even been informed of his heritage…why it's a crime!"

"What literature Madam Malkin?" Hermione piped up.

"Why the many books about Harry Potter of course," Malkin replied.

"There are books about me?" The bemused young warlock questioned.

"Of course there are," Malkin assured.

Inheriting a Draconian Mantle Book 1 by stargatesg1fan1 Where stories live. Discover now