Whispers of the lost

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Lucian tossed his backpack onto the bed. Finally, he and Ethan were ready to depart, the day's weight still pressing against his shoulders. His eyes lingered on the clock: 10:30 p.m. It had been hours since their arrival at Ethan's, and the house had grown eerily silent. Lucian knew he should have rung his mother to explain about staying out late again, but there was no time to explain. Tonight, he and Ethan were going to discover the truth. The anticipation of doubt lingered in the air like a foul smell.

Lucian's body felt drained from the excessive use of his powers, so he and Ethan decided to walk to the Academy. In the somewhat inevitable event that they ran into trouble, they could need Lucian's unique abilities.

The walk to Eidolon was fraught with anticipation. The cold air draped over the pair's shoulders like a cloak of unfathomable doubt. After what felt like an eternity, the spires of Eidolon spouted from the night's fog like something out of a film. Owls let off a deep and stuttering hoot, advertising their territory.

Lucian and Ethan felt apprehensive as they entered the academy's grounds. Nestled in the trees was an old service tunnel, presumably used during the war. A rusted iron hatch embodied in thick concrete appeared bolted shut, and a heavy padlock secured it.

A loud crack echoed as Lucian snapped the padlock with relative ease. The hinges let off a high-pitched squeak as Lucian wrenched open the iron hatch. The tunnel was pitch black, and the air felt dense and musty. The pair crawled through the tunnel, stopping every metre to wipe cobwebs from their faces. They started to regret their decisions that night. But it was too late to turn back now.

The tight and claustrophobic tunnel began to expand into a corridor sufficient enough to stand in. As the culmination approached, ambient light glistened like strands of moonlight creeping through the cracks of the opposing entrance. Unlike the entrance to the tunnel, a roughly panelled door was waiting on this side. Lucian gave the door a hard push, and the crack of a lock splitting the wooden frame resonated down the tunnel. Ethan chuckled, "That's one way to do it. "

The academy's corridors felt different after dark. Shadows seemed to stretch farther, the usual hum of student life replaced by the subtle creaks and groans of the old building. Lucian adjusted the hood of his sweatshirt, keeping his face hidden as they approached the room where the elevator lay in wait.

"We made it," Ethan whispered with a grin. "You ready for this?"

Lucian nodded, though his stomach was a knot of nerves. "Do you think we'll find anything?"

Ethan shrugged, his confidence never wavering. "If there's something hidden in this place, it's gotta be under there. The lift isn't just for show."

They slipped inside. Lucian's heart raced as they approached the elevator. A strange humming insinuated a silent promise of answers.

"This is it," Ethan whispered, pressing the button.

For a moment, nothing happened. Lucian began to wonder if they had come all this way for nothing, but then, with a soft chime, the doors slid open.

The elevator doors opened with a soft chime, revealing the cold, metallic interior that seemed to pulse with an unnatural energy. Both Lucian and Ethan stepped forward; Ethan gestured towards a panel beside the elevator's door. The biometric scanner was a sleek black surface glowing faintly with blue light.

Ethan frowned as he eyed the scanner. "How do we get past this thing?"

Lucian swallowed hard, feeling the familiar tug of uncertainty gnawing at him. His powers were still so new and untested. But something inside him stirred, an instinct he couldn't entirely ignore. He closed his eyes, the world around him fading as he reached deeper into himself, feeling his body hum with a quiet yet powerful energy.

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