Powerpuff Christmas

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It seems like all anyone ever talks about anymore is gifts and presents, especially during the holiday! People wanted to get more than give. Don't they understand what Christmas is really about?

The young red head, constantly had this on her mind, mostly with the holidays fast approaching. She couldn't seem to grasp the way everyone else was thinking. She had what she needed, and what she wanted was to do good for others who didn't have what they needed but no understood this.

She made her way downstairs to the kitchen, trying to make her pajama's presentable for breakfast along the way. She was first to arrive downstairs, usually meaning she was going to cook the others breakfast. She was an early riser while her sisters, not so much. Her father was always to busy working to be there most of the time so she took it upon herself with the parental duties.

She made french toast along with bacon. When she finished her sisters arrived, shoving eachother down the stairs as they raced to eat.

They started to gorge everything down, the blonde piping up, mouth still full of food, "Merry eve of Christmas eve!"

Blossom grimaced, avoiding to look at the young blondes mouth. To say she was grossed out was an understatement.

"I'm sorry, what?" She questioned.

The blonde took this time to swallow her food before speaking, "The Eve of Christmas Eve!"

"And what is that?" All the redhead wanted to do was eat breakfast but it seemed nothing was left.

Bubbles groaned as she rolled her eyes, "Today's the 23 which is the day before Christmas Eve! Which makes today, the Eve of Christmas Eve! Gosh, Bloss, I thought you were the smart one."

"That doesn't even make sense, stupid!" The ravenette pitched in, her mouth still full of food. She swallowed before sending a sickly sweet smile to Blossom, "Mind grabbing me a drink? Orange juice."

"Oh! Me too! Thanks!" Bubble's cried before turning to Buttercup, "And I'm not stupid! If anything you're stupid, buttface!"

"I'm smarter than you!" Buttercup snapped, yanking her glass from the redheaded heroine and chugging it down.

Bubbles did the same with her glass before replying, "Smarter isn't even a real word and at least I'm not a beastly brute!"

"At least I'm not a whiny crybaby like you! You couldn't even take me in a fight!"

This how their morning, afternoon and well evening went for the two sisters while Blossom had to put up with it, getting in between every now and then. When dinner arrived she finally brought up the topic she was hoping to bring up during breakfast.

"I was wondering, maybe this Christmas eve and Christmas we can go help out local shelters and hospitals. Dad won't be coming till late and we won't be doing anything till then plus I told you I only wanted both your help with this for Christmas." She smiled a little bit at the two, hoping the two younger of the triplets could put away their petty differences between each other for a little while.

"Sorry Blossom but I'm not doing anything with the dumb blonde!" Buttercup snapped before leaving the table and off to her room.

Bubbles growled low in her throat, "I'm not hanging out with someone who's gonna get coal for Christmas, sorry Blossy but Buttercup is not worth it!" With that said she ran up to her room as well. Both doors slamming shut.

Blossom bit her lip, glaring at the food left on the table, "All I wanted was to make someone else feel special on Christmas.."

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