Fell in Love at a Rock Show

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She told me she snuck out, I told her I ditched a family party. She asked me to dance with her, I took her away from the bar and towards the band. We shared a joint just before she kissed me. We laughed and maked out till our lungs screamed at us. She wrote her number on my stomach with her black lip stick.

Now here I am staring at my phone, the numbers haunting my phone screen. I groaned before hitting the call button.

"Did she answer? What's happening? Tell me what's happening!"

I looked over at my brother who was practically boucing on his feet, "Shut it, Boom!" He glared before looking away, "And no, it's ringing."

"How much you wanna bet -and I'm saying this hypothetically cause I doubt this girl even exist- but 100 bucks that she gave you a false number."

My glare switched to my other brother who jumped on the coach, popping open his can of beer, "Your just pissy cause your girlfriend broke up with you." Boomer snapped at him before returning back to my still ringing phone.

Regular phones aren't supposed to ring this long...

"Hey! No one breaks up with me, I broke up with her. Long distance relationships never work, especially when I wasn't planning on committing." He snapped before chugging his drink and unconsciously checking his own phone. His screen saver was still him with a petite red head with strange pink eyes on his back.

"Yeah sure, whatever helps you sleep at night." I scoffed before turning around, returning to the phone call.

"Pizza Palace, this is Jessica."

My heart dropped, "Uh, sorry who?" I could've sworn her name was Butterfly or Cupper or in some song.

"I'm Jessica. How may I help you?"

Her voice was to high to be the girl from last night...

I coughed, "Sorry, wrong number..." I mumbled out.

"Pardon, I didn't catch that, can you repeat?"

I cleared my throat, "I must've dialed the wrong number, sorry."

"Oh.. Well would you still like to place an order?"

Who did this girl think she was?! Trying to get me to buy crappy pizza when my heart just shattered?!

"Yeah, can I get a large sausage pizza with a Dr. Pepper. Thanks." I gave her my address before hanging up, turning around to face my brothers.

"A pizza place?! She gave you the number to a pizza place?!" Brick chocked out, practically falling off the couch from laughing.

Boomer gave me the complete opposite reaction as tears welled up in his eyes, "Oh Butch, I'm so sorry, the way you described her sounded amazing but maybe she was to good to be true.." He always was a hopeless romantic.

I glared at the both of them, "It was one dumb night, I can't even remember her name, it doesn't matter!" I snapped before storming out of the room.

"If that's what helps you sleep at night!" Brick called, still laughing.

《 A Few Months Later 》

"I swear you're becoming an alcoholic."

He lifted the glass of whiskey to his lips, finishing it off before sending me a glare, "Shut," hiccup, "up."

"Stop being such a bitch! You're Brick fucking Jojo, go fight for her back!" I snapped, making sure the bartender stopped bringing drinks.

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