Meet The Peppy

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Poppy: Lately, so many fun things have happened, like water-skiing. Hair-achuting. And making this scrapbook, of me making this scrapbook, of me making this scrapbook, of me making this scrapbook.

It is revealed that she has been telling the story of the recent events her father.

Peppy: (laughs) Yes, yes, delightful infinite regress, honey. But you seem to be spending a lot of time with uh... what's his name?

He turns a page backwards.

Peppy: That one, you know who sang a song to lift our spirits? Nearly went mad fighting you over a pillow? What's is name? Uh... Bark?

Poppy: Branch. And yeah. Lately we've kinda taken our relationship to the next level.

She shows a picture of her and Branch on her Best Friends Wall.

Peppy: He's on your "Best Friends Wall"? (gasps) Oh, Poppy, that's wonderful.

He picks up Poppy and spins her in the air.

Peppy: Well, I need to get to know this young Troll, to talk with him, to laugh with him, to scrutinize his character.

Poppy: Hm.

Peppy: In a fun way! So, tell him he's officially invited to my next...

He makes a card with a pop-up.

Pop-up: Swag Stag Hunt!

Branch soon receives the invitation.

Branch: Urgh. This is gonna be awful.

Poppy: What? Swag Stag Hunting's awesome.

Smidge: Yeah! We sneak up on the Stags-

Guy Diamond: And then we tickle them until they cough up fun swag, like hats, hoodies and sunglasses. See?

The pop-up tickles the pop-up Stags.

Pop-up Stags: Bleugh!

Branch: Not that, although, gross. I mean your dad, Poppy. I feel like if I don't impress him, he's gonna disapprove of me as your friend.

Poppy: Branch, relax. I told you he's done this with all my best friends, and he's loved everyone of them.

Peppy runs across mushrooms.

Peppy: Trolly-ho!

He lands and puts on a scarf.

Smidge, Guy Diamond, and Cooper: Trolly-ho!

They walk over to Peppy.

Peppy: Coop-meister, Smidge-meister, Guy-meister. Favorite friends of my favorite daughter. You know what this calls for?! Noogies!

He grabs Guy Diamond, wraps his arm around his neck and tickles him in the head.

Guy Diamond: Oh, stop it!

Next, Peppy pats Cooper's tummy like he is playing bongos.

Peppy: Tummy bongos!

Cooper: Woo-hoo!

Peppy then holds Smidge.

Peppy: Pizza toss!

Smidge laughs as he spins and tosses her into the air.

Smidge: Again!

She giggles again as Peppy throws her into the air again.

Poppy: See what I mean? Now, come on.

As soon as she starts walking, Branch stops her.

Branch: Wait, wait, wait. Should I call him "Peppy" or "Comissioner Peppy"? Or what about "Uncle Peps"? Nah, that would be weird. (gasps) Or would it?

Bat-Troll: The Series, Season 3Where stories live. Discover now