Chapter 14: On the Road Again

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Mercer and Grange pulled up to a small telegraph station along the highway, the only light for miles emanating from its dusty windows. The rhythmic clacking of the telegraph key inside was a comforting sound in the otherwise quiet night.

Grange stepped out of the truck and entered the station, Mercer following close behind. The telegraph operator, an older man with spectacles perched on his nose, looked up as they entered.

"Good evening," Grange said, flashing her FBI badge. "We need to send this urgently."

The operator nodded, taking the message and beginning to tap out the code. Mercer and Grange waited, the tension palpable in the small room. After what seemed like an eternity, the telegraph key started clicking rapidly, the operator jotting down the incoming message.

"Looks like you got a reply," the operator said, handing over the decoded message.

Grange took the paper and read it aloud:

"New tracks are promising. Riverbend studio open. Waiting for your arrival. - J.C."

Mercer's eyes lit up with determination. "That's it. Julian's expecting us."

Grange smiled, relief and excitement mingling in her expression. "Then we need to get moving. Flagstaff and Route 66 await."

They thanked the operator and hurried back to the truck. Mercer started the engine, and they pulled back onto the darkened highway, heading west towards Flagstaff. The road stretched out before them, a ribbon of asphalt under the moonlit sky.

"Route 66," Mercer said, glancing at Grange. "It's a long haul, but we can make it by morning if we keep a steady pace."

Grange nodded, unfolding a map and tracing their route with her finger. "We'll hit several small towns along the way. We can refuel and rest when needed, but let's not lose momentum."

The miles passed in a blur of headlights and shadowy landscapes. They spoke little, each lost in their thoughts about what awaited them at the River Bend Studio. The truck's engine hummed steadily, a reassuring sound against the backdrop of the vast, open road.

As dawn approached, they reached the state line. Mercer pulled into a rest stop to refuel the truck and take a brief break. The early morning air was cool and crisp, the horizon painted in hues of orange and pink.

Grange stretched and looked around the quiet rest stop. "Let's grab a quick bite and some coffee. We still have a long way to go."

Mercer nodded, locking the truck before they headed towards a small diner adjacent to the gas station. The neon sign flickered, casting a soft glow over the otherwise dim surroundings.

Inside the diner, the smell of fresh coffee and frying bacon greeted them. They took a seat at the counter, and a tired-looking waitress approached.

"What can I get you folks?" she asked, her voice warm despite the early hour.

"Two coffees and whatever's hot," Grange replied with a smile.

As they waited for their order, Mercer pulled out the newspaper and the coded message they had found in the mill. "Julian's expecting us at the River Bend Studio, but we need to be careful. The Digger Gang could be watching for any moves we make."

Grange nodded, taking a sip of her coffee. "We'll have to stay sharp. Julian's life depends on it."

The waitress returned with their food, and they ate quickly, the urgency of their mission never far from their minds. Once they finished, they paid and headed back to the truck, refueled and ready to continue their journey.

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