Chapter 13: The Wrong Room

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Mercer and Grange moved cautiously through the thirteenth floor of the old mill, their weapons at the ready. The aftermath of their gunfight still hung heavy in the air, but their focus was now on finding Julian Carver and unraveling the mysteries of the Digger Gang's operations.

They searched each room methodically, their footsteps echoing softly in the silence of the deserted floor. Dust-covered furniture and rusted machinery greeted them in each chamber, but there was no sign of Julian.

"Nothing here," Mercer muttered, frustration creeping into his voice.

Grange nodded grimly, her eyes scanning the room one last time before moving on. "Let's check the next one."

They continued their search, their pace steady but urgent. Room after room yielded no clues, no trace of Julian Carver. As they entered the last room on the floor, their hopes waned.

"This can't be right," Mercer said, his voice tinged with disappointment.

Grange stepped further into the room, her gaze sweeping over the dusty shelves and debris-strewn floor. Then, something caught her eye—a newspaper tucked beneath a pile of old papers.

"Wait," Grange said, bending down to retrieve the newspaper. She brushed off the dust and revealed the headline: *Flagstaff Evening Times*.

Mercer approached, curiosity piqued. "What is it?"

Grange unfolded the newspaper carefully, revealing an article circled in red marker. "This is from Flagstaff, Arizona," she said, pointing to the dateline. "Julian's hometown."

Mercer's eyes narrowed as he read the article. It detailed a local event, seemingly mundane at first glance. But Grange pointed out a handwritten note in the margin: "Meet me where the river bends."

"River bends?" Mercer mused aloud, trying to decipher the cryptic message.

Grange's eyes fell on a familiar object lying nearby—a smoking pipe, engraved with Julian Carver's initials. She picked it up gently, a mix of relief and concern crossing her features.

"This is Julian's," Grange said quietly, turning the pipe over in her hands. "He was here."

Mercer's jaw tightened. "Which means he might still be nearby."

They exchanged a determined glance, renewed purpose fueling their resolve. Despite not finding Julian in this room, they had uncovered crucial clues that could lead them closer to him and the truth behind the Digger Gang.

"We need to find out where this river bend is," Mercer said, folding the newspaper carefully and tucking it into his jacket pocket.

Grange nodded, her mind already racing through possible locations in Flagstaff. "Let's get back to the truck. I'll see if I can find any maps or old records that might help."

Mercer agreed, leading the way out of the room and back onto the catwalks. They descended the ladder quietly, their thoughts consumed with the next steps of their investigation.

As they made their way through the deserted mill, Mercer glanced at Grange. "We're getting closer, Grange. I can feel it."

Grange smiled faintly, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "We'll find him, Mercer. And we'll put an end to this."

With that, they continued their journey through the shadows of the old mill, determined to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within, and to bring Julian Carver safely home.

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