When I Was Fifteen

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At fifteen, I felt the world unfold,
First love by my side, so gentle, so bold.
Basketball games in the fading light,
With every shot, my heart took flight.

In the library, lost in books,
Between pages, poems, and secret looks.
On the court, with friends so true,
Mornings of chess, afternoons that flew.

A boy played "Perfect" just for me,
On piano keys, his heart set free.
In those melodies, I found my place,
Wrapped in moments, love, and grace.

I wasn't the star, but I felt alive,
In friendships and laughter, I'd thrive.
Not the first in rank, nor the popular one,
But in those days, I'd already won.

With every game, every word I'd write,
My heart found rhythm, my soul took flight.
Oh, high school life, so pure, so sweet,
Memories of love and joy complete.

October 16th, 2024

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