**Chapter Fifty-Five: Vincent's Triumph**

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Vincent leaned against the doorway of Darkwood Manor, watching Olivia's retreating figure as she disappeared down the hall. A slow, satisfied smile crept across his face. The moment he had stepped through the doors of this grand, decrepit estate, he knew he had made the right decision in returning.

All those months away, he had been waiting—biding his time, watching from the shadows as things unraveled for Olivia. The rumors about her, the poisonous whispers spreading through the upper echelons of society, the family drama—it had all fallen into place perfectly. And now, here he was, back where he belonged. But most importantly, back where he could reclaim what was his: Olivia.

He chuckled to himself, thinking of Matthew's foolish attempt to set Olivia up with his friend, some dull, humorless aristocrat from the neighboring estate. What a laughable effort. Vincent knew from the beginning it would never work. Olivia was far too intelligent, too sharp, to fall for someone as bland as that. She needed someone like him—someone with ambition, someone who could keep up with her wit and challenge her spirit.

But more than that, she needed someone who could manipulate her when necessary. He had met her years ago, when they were still young, and from that moment, he had seen something in her—something different. She wasn't like the other women of the court, fawning over jewels and empty compliments. Olivia had fire, ambition, and a mind that could outmatch most men. That's what had first drawn him to her.

And now? Now she was desperate, vulnerable, and, most importantly, alone.

Vincent couldn't help but relish the irony of it all. While Olivia thought herself clever, navigating the treacherous waters of her family's betrayal, he was already several steps ahead. She had no idea that the reason he had disappeared months ago wasn't out of fear of her family but because he had been carefully planning his return.

And it had worked. The moment he walked back into her life, she had welcomed him with open arms—well, not quite open, but certainly not as closed off as they could have been. He had seen the flicker of doubt in her eyes, the brief crack in her defenses. She didn't trust him fully yet, but that was fine. He had time. After all, he knew how to play the long game.

Vincent's smile widened as he thought about how easy it would be to twist her to his advantage now. He had always been good at reading people, at knowing what they needed to hear, at saying just the right words to make them believe in him. And Olivia was no different. She was strong-willed, yes, but she was also lonely, desperate for an ally in the chaos of her family's betrayal. And he would be that ally—until he no longer needed her.

Because, in truth, it wasn't just Olivia he wanted. It was everything she represented: power, influence, and Darkwood Manor itself. The estate, with its centuries of history and wealth, would one day be his. All he had to do was ensure Olivia's loyalty, and the rest would fall into place.

He had already begun laying the groundwork. He had come back at just the right time, positioning himself as her only true friend, the one person she could rely on when everyone else had turned against her. She had no idea how perfectly she was playing into his hands.

Vincent's thoughts wandered back to their shared history, to the early days when they had met at court. Olivia had been so vibrant, so full of life and energy. He had been drawn to her not just because of her beauty but because of the challenge she presented. She wasn't like the other girls who giggled and simpered, hoping for his attention. Olivia had been distant, cautious, and that had intrigued him. It had taken time, but eventually, he had won her over—or so she had thought.

In reality, he had been the one in control all along.

Now, as he stood in the dim hallway of Darkwood Manor, Vincent felt a sense of triumph he hadn't felt in years. Everything was falling into place perfectly. Olivia, with her sharp mind and cunning nature, would be a valuable asset, and he would make sure she stayed by his side—for as long as it suited him, at least.

He thought back to the brief conversation they'd had moments ago, her guarded words, the way she had looked at him with a mixture of suspicion and hope. It was almost endearing, really, how she thought she could outmaneuver him. But Vincent knew better. He had been playing this game for far too long to be bested by anyone, least of all by someone as emotional and vulnerable as Olivia.

He would court her again, of course. Slowly, carefully, he would make her believe that they were equals, that they were partners in this fight against her family. He would whisper sweet words of loyalty and devotion, all the while steering her toward his ultimate goal.

And when the time was right, when she had served her purpose, he would take what he wanted and leave her behind—just as he had done before.

For now, though, he would play the part of the devoted suitor, the caring confidant who had returned to help her in her time of need. He would be everything she needed him to be, and in doing so, he would ensure that she became exactly what he needed her to be.

Vincent's smile grew wider as he imagined the future ahead. Darkwood Manor would be his, and with it, the power and influence he had always craved. And Olivia? Well, she would play her part beautifully.

With one last glance down the hallway where Olivia had disappeared, Vincent turned and walked toward the parlor. The game was on, and he was going to win.

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