Imagine, you are walking in a garden full of roses, admiring the beauty of the scenery, but suddenly you accidentally step on a fragile blossom, crushing it underfoot. An apology is reaching down to tend to that flower, though it doesn’t undo the damage, but it acknowledges the harm, offers care, and opens the door for healing.
Today, I want to talk about an apology, a self apology.
Oftentimes we tend to forget how to be gentle to our own selfs. That at times, we do hurt ourselves may it be accidentally or intentionally. It’s a heavy burden, this weight of misplaced guilt and self-blame. The most common thing that we do is we often compare ourselves to other people, thinking she is better, and what am i? How many times have you looked in the mirror and seen only what you are lacking? I'm not pretty, I'm not smart, I am not enough, things that hurt us the most, that at times we forget to look and be thankful to the things that we have. We pressure ourselves, thinking I should be like this, should be like her, to be on top of the shelves because we want to receive validations, because we are a people pleaser, we want to make them proud, but, why does it always have to be about 'them' and not about 'me?. It should be making them proud while I am proud of myself. In our efforts to meet these impossible standards, we often lose sight of what truly matters: our own self-worth. Have you notice how understanding are we towards other people? Why can't we do that towards our own?To whom do I owe the biggest apology? No one’s been crueller than I’ve been to me.
Just as we tend to the crushed flower in the garden, we must also learn to tend to ourselves. Sometimes, the hardest apology to offer is the one we owe to ourselves — for the mistakes we’ve made, the moments we’ve been too harsh, or the times we’ve let ourselves down. Self-apology is an act of self-compassion, acknowledging that we are human, imperfect, and deserving of forgiveness. As we move forward, let’s not forget that healing starts from within. By offering ourselves the same care and understanding we give to others, we allow our inner garden to grow and thrive."

The Waves of Feelings
PoetryViolent waves of thoughts always keep me up It wants me to be drowned To be blown into the depths of the ocean And to not exist.