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Dean's Pov

My main concern about facing the djinn is Cas. He's never hunted a djinn before. First time Sammy and I hunted a djinn I got sent to my 'perfect' universe and that just added to my painful memories. Whatever he's got us he'll be fine. I walked over to the impala throwing my duffel bag into the trunk of the impala. I got into the front seat the other boys following. I started up the impala and started driving. At the start of the car ride it was awkward especially, because Sam was sitting in the back. "So," Sam said attempting to break the silence,"Are you and Cas a thing?" "What do you mean Sam?" Cas asked. I just cranked up the radio and of course to spite me Can't Help Falling In Love with you by Elvis. I can usually dig Elvis, but really come on not cool. (Lol those of you that have read Twist and shout are dying rn) The rest of the ride was silent. We arrived at Cambridge Leamington Motel and booked a room. When we got to our room we realized that there were only two beds. Crap, I wish Cas was an angel again so he never had to sleep. "Alright I'm claiming this bed," Sam declared. "So Cas are you chill with sharing a bed or do you want to sleep alone, cause I can sleep on the floor if you want." I said  "That's okay Dean we can just share." Cas replied. I flopped down onto the bed and Cas followed in suit. I was just about asleep when I felt Castiel's soft arms snake around my neck and his crotch pressed against mine. I tried to hide my blush even if it was to dark for him to see it anyway. I tried to loosed his arms, but they wouldn't budge so I decided to just give in and snuggle up. 


I woke up to Castiel stretching his arms and yawning. My green eyes flickered open only to see the angelic blue ones that had filled me with a lovely sense of familiarity. He broke the stare and walked to the kitchen. As I sat up I noticed that Sam was already out of bed and his bed was made. I brushed my fingers through my hair and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I hoped into the shower and pondered my thoughts as I scrubbed my scalp. I came across the inquiry of why Cas snuggled with me last night. Did he like me or was it just some best friend cuddle rule that I've never heard of? If he likes me do I like him? We've been friends for like six years now. I'll think about this later. I turned off the water and wrapped myself in a towel just as the bathroom door opened. Castiel walked in his eyes going wide. My face went a deep red as his eyes trailed up and down. "S-s-sorry Dean," he stuttered and turned around shutting the door behind him. Well that was really awkward. I shrugged it off and got dressed. I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to see Sam and Cas talking. I cleared my throat and they turned around. Castiel's face was covered in a pink shade and Sam just sat there attempting to hold in his laughter. I suddenly became very self conscious and turned around to get a cup of coffee. 


Sam's Pov 

"The sexual tension between the two was almost unbearable and the worst part is neither if them notice it. It's like they're completely oblivious," I vented while pinching the bridge of my nose. "Yeah well they've almost always been this way so unless you can get them to kiss or act on it some other way there's nothing you can do," Gabe chuckled over the phone. "Yeah, but it's so awkward I just want to shove their faces together or lock them alone in a room together for a long period of time," I groaned in frustration. "You'll figure out what to do when the time comes. I have to go babe stuff is a calling," "Alright good luck love you." "Love you too, bye." Gabe hung up afterwards. We had been dating for a few years now and I still haven't told Dean. I mean I knew he wouldn't judge me, because he's Bi himself, but I was worried, because I know him and Gabriel don't exactly get along. I walked back into the motel room and walked over to the desk and opened my laptop. I needed to figure out where this stupid djinn could be hiding out. 

"Hey Dean I think I know where the djinn could be," I shouted in the direction of the kitchen. "There are 3 abandoned shops around the city that we can go and check out. I suggest we split up and call the other if we need anything. That way we can narrow down the search much faster than if we all stayed in a group." Dean seemed a bit uneasy about the idea, but went along with it anyway. "We'll leave at five." I stood up and walked out of the motel maybe if I left them alone for a while they would hook up or something. I doubt it. I got into the impala deciding to go and get some lunch. 


Five o'clock rolled around and we split up. I searched the building for hours and I didn't find anything. I left the building and called Dean, he picked up on the second ring, "So I didn't find anything that shows signs of a djinn. You?" "Nope." Dean drove up in front of the building. I got into the impala and we drove back to the motel. We both had gotten into bed when I realized we had forgotten Cas. I shot up not having time to wake up Dean I rushed out the door and into the impala. I had sped the entire way there knowing that if I didn't get Cas out in time Dean would never forgive himself and I couldn't let that happen. I entered the building cautiously and walked into each room. I had finally found the room Castiel was in and I rushed forward And pulled out some of his hair. I got out the container of African dream root and plopped Cas's hair in. I chugged it and sat down next to him. I drifted off and then i found myself in a house sitting on a couch. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2015 ⏰

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