You Ask To Spend The Night With Them

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Prompt: You Ask To Spend The Night With Them.
The relationship is new and it's the first time you spend the night together. This doesn't contain or imply anything sexual, you are quite literally only sleeping together.


Dutch Van der Linde
♱ He'd be a bit surprised at first.
♱ He would let you depending on your current relationship/how he feels about you because he's a bit picky about who he shares his personal space with.
♱ Ends up flirting with you a lot and teasing you about how you react to his flirting.
♱ Once you fall asleep he stays up and reads for a bit.


Arthur Morgan
♱ He would also be a bit surprised.
♱ Teases you about it before eventually saying yes.
♱ He's definitely a talker so he spends a lot of the night having deep discussions about life, feelings, etc. before bed.


John Marston
♱ He's all for it, but a little apprehensive at first. However, once you get settled in he becomes more relaxed.
♱ Asks if it can become a permanent arrangement since he thinks that would make the most sense as a couple.
♱ He likes for you to be clingy because he finds it cute.
♱ He'd spend a lot of time just holding you, having his arms around your waist while you lay on his chest.


Charles Smith
♱ He would gladly say yes and allow you to stay the night with him.
♱ Keeps his hand on you the whole time, whether it's just holding your hand, playing with your hair, or holding you against him.
♱ He's a bit protective over you while you sleep, so he holds onto you the whole night.


Javier Escuella
♱ Teases you a little, but says yes instantly, no questions asked.
♱ Lots of physical and verbal affection.
♱ Might play his guitar a bit for you which is something he does a lot for you. Also hums and sings for you until you fall asleep.
♱ Doesn't fall asleep until he knows you're asleep and don't need him anymore.


Lenny Summers
♱ He probably asked you first before you had the chance to ask him.
♱ Tries to make everything extra comfortable for you and tidies up his tent and makes his cot more cozy for you.
♱ Spends a lot of time saying sweet things to you and talking about your day.
♱ Caresses you a lot until you fall asleep and once you're asleep he holds onto you tightly till he falls asleep as well.


Josiah Trelawny
♱ He's very pleased with the idea of sharing a bed and sleeping beside you.
♱ He loves to pamper you so he's making sure you're comfortable and relaxed, gives you one of his shirts to wear, he goes all out for you no matter what.
♱ He's very affectionate and gentle during the night, calling you all kinds of pet names while caressing and cuddling you.
♱ In the morning he doesn't want to get out of bed and wants you to stay with him.


Hosea Matthews
♱ He's open to it and not nervous about it at all. He's an older man and has no reason to be nervous about sharing a bed with someone he loves.
♱ He takes no time getting comfortable with you and cuddling you.
♱ He's a little protective over you and sleeps lighter, just in case you need him.
♱ Wakes you up with either tea or coffee, whichever you prefer.


Kieran Duffy
♱ He's flustered at first but he'll do anything that you want/makes you happy, so he'll obviously say yes.
♱ He's been waiting for you to ask because he was worried that he would overstep a boundary by asking.
♱ Gets very clingy with you, not taking his hands away from you once. He probably apologizes for it, but you assure him that it's okay.


Sean Macguire
♱ He'd have a smug look on his face and probably tease you about it. But he's definitely very happy to be alone with you, while also enjoying the nighttime atmosphere.
♱ He'd be handsy with you and probably wouldn't stop kissing you until he's too tired to continue.
♱ He's a very heavy sleeper so he's not gonna wake up easily or let go of you. Once he's out, he's out.


Micah Bell
♱ Probably laughs and doesn't think you're being serious, or thinks you're suggesting something else.
♱ At first, he's not the most cuddly with you. But he doesn't attempt to stop you if you try being affectionate. Once you start he will fully give in and become very handsy with you.
♱ He'd probably talk a lot about himself and ramble the whole time until you fall asleep.
♱ Stays up way later than you since he doesn't really sleep much.

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