Chapter Twenty-Two: Big Strong Men

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It was more than a little nerve-wracking to wait for the rest of their group to come back with their missing members. Alicia and Chris were still staring at the door their parents had disappeared through five minutes ago, as if they could mentally will for them to come back with their gaze alone.

A part of her wished that she'd gone with them. Or, at the very least, argued to go with them like Chris had. Marty felt like she was missing a piece of her soul without Nick--and it felt wrong not to fight for him. To not do everything in her power to get him back... but she also felt rooted to her spot. She would not leave Lukas. His safety was her priority--a hand gently came to rest on her tummy, the safety of her babies were also more important... even if it made her want to vomit.

Marty sighed before deciding to address the younger teenagers.

"I think we should wait in the cars until your parents get back." she stated, "We'll be safer that way. The dead can't open cars."

"Are you sure?" Chris asked, his gaze serious and digging.

"Yeah," Alicia added a little incredulously, "Mr. Dawson was able to open the back door of the house, remember?"

"I know." Marty responded tiredly, "But the first time I encountered one of those things it started banging on my car's window uselessly, it didn't know how to get in. I say we get in the SUVs and lock the doors."

"Alright." Alicia sighed warily, playing with a lock of her hair nervously.

"You two can join me and Lukas in my car, if you'd like." Marty offered with a small, strained but genuine smile, "That way, we're all together. Someone'll just have to put up with Pingu though."

"Nah," Chris denied, although he looked like he wanted to take her up on the offer, "My dad said that we should take both of the SUVs to the campground if things go to shit, so Alicia and I may as well stay in the other car." he said with teenage bravado.

Alicia nodded in agreement as the two teens got into the brown SUV Daniel had commandeered, "We'll be alright, Marty."

The nineteen-year-old sighed before nodding and getting into her own car. Lukas and Pingu both looked up at her expectantly when she shut the door, "Hey, squirt. The others went to get Nicky, Griselda, and Liza back. We'll head off to the campgrounds as soon as they get back here."

"Kay, Marty." Lukas chirruped as he wiggled in his seat, "Can I please watch Iron Man?"

"Yeah," Marty sighed before rummaging through the saddlebag in the front seat and grabbing the portable DVD player and headphones, "but you have to wear the headphones, 'kay buddy. We need to be quiet in case there's danger, alright?"

Lukas nodded seriously, "I'll be quiet, I promise, Marty." the little boy said seriously -his thin eyebrows pushed together and lips set in what looked like a pout more than a frown- before grabbing the offered items.

Marty had already placed the movie inside and plugged the headphones in, so all her brother had to do was put the headphones on and press play. Pingu -bored- simply laid down on the seat beside Lukas and dozed off.

A brief flash of jealousy ran through her at how carefree both Lukas and the German Shepherd were. Marty wouldn't be able to mentally check out by watching a film or taking a nap, she didn't think sleep would come to her even if she tried. This whole situation had her feeling very antsy and out of control. One of the dead bastards was nothing, but Daniel had to have led a considerable group to distract the guards, what if a part of that group splintered and headed toward the garage they were hiding in?

Marty only had an aluminum baseball bat to protect herself; according to Nick, traumatic brain injury was the only way to put the walking dead down... but if she was surrounded by a group of those things, a baseball bat would certainly not suffice as protection. In fact, it wouldn't do jack-shit. And if there was a big group of those dead things in the garage, it would not be easy to maneuver the SUVs out.

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