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𝗘𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩
It's been a few days since Bryant and I got together, he was actually really kind and when he learned I didn't like physical touch too much he respected that. But whenever he touches me, even a little I'm in love with his touch. I hate physical touch but love my nigga's physical touch.

Today was twin day at school, Kennedy and I matched wearing white t's with dark blue baggy jeans and brown uggs while my man and her man wore everything same but wore long sleeved black shirt, we forced them too and I don't know how.. 🔪 .

Our other friends were scattered throughout the school somewhere. Kamaya and her man Arion (Dougie B) were Mario and Luigi, Kamaya was Mario and Arion was Luigi and they had plushy hats which was so cute! And Darrien was with David somewhere..prolly fucking but whatev.

Kennedy also forced me to wear these black glasses she got which were cute but I don't know why the glasses. The whole day we (Kennedy, Kamaya and I) talked and got in trouble sometimes but did we give a fuck? No 😘 .

After school


I changed into something more comfortable and hung up pictures on the wall. The pictures were of me and Bryant. I forced him to take most pictures but the pictures he took were way better and cuter. After doing that I sat on my bed thinking about us, was i doing too much? Are we even gonna last? Probably not.

I begin taking the pictures down and that's when David comes in. I didn't even need to turn around. "What are you doing?" He asks.

I stop what I'm doing and turn around to look at him with a small frown, "What do you think Im doing?"

"Wait Im confused," He sat on my bed next to me. "Did y'all break up?"

I shook my head, "No."

David being THAT nigga knew something was up, "What's up?" He asks.

I felt hesitant but start talking to him, "Im having mixed feelings..about him."

David knew where this was going, I've said this a lot in my past about guys I've dated and we didn't work out. "But you guys seem so happy, why are you all of a sudden having mixed feelings?"

I shrug, "I don't fucking know," I whine. "It's like something tells me we're not going to work out but when he's around I feel like we are going to work out."

"You guys aren't gonna work out then." David bluntly says.

I look at him confused, "Nigga why?"

"See? Just before I said that you had no hope of y'all working out and now look. If you want to work you gotta believe and talk to him." I felt called out but comforted.

I nod my head and listen to his advice which somehow turns into a shitty lecture I experience 🙄 .
David did leave thank goodness and then I called Bryant over and he did come over so i told him how i felt. His presence and respect comforted me a lot. He was quiet when i was talking and we did cuddle while I talked.

We put the pictures back on but this nigga kept poking my sides which were ticklish. We cuddled some more and right now he was lying in between my legs with his head on my stomach and arms wrapped around me. I played with his hair and he kept caressing my sides barely which made me squirm and laugh.

"Stop." I said.

He looks at me offended, "What am I doing?!"

"You know exactly whatch'or doin'." I said and he laughs.

Oouuu my nigga fine 😩

I decided to open up to him about me being intersex and expected a small glance of judgement but his eyes stayed the same: welcoming and accepting. He kept looking at me, actually staring at me and it got a bit creepy and it was after I told him other niggas left just cause I said that.

"Babe, are you upset?" I ask.

He snaps back to reality and a small hum left his mouth. "No, why would I be upset knowing you can have my kids?"

I slightly blush and shrug, "Ion know."

"But why were you zoned out like that?" I ask.

He sighs and softly pinches my waist sides, "I've got a mission tonight, that's why and then next week I go to Atlanta." He explains.

I was sad knowing my man ain't gonna be here next week. "Really? When?" I ask.

"Next week thursday."

"Can I ever come with you?" I ask

He seemed hesitant, "Baby I'm telling you, the mafia is hard."

I huff getting a little annoyed cuz i knew that, duh. "I know but can I ever come with you anywhere?"

"Are you in OYSK?"


"Then no."

"That's not fair!" I whine.

We continue "arguing" which kinda pisses me off. Then all of a sudden I realize..I never asked for this nigga's birthday!

"When were you born?" I ask.

"3:32 a.m. why?" He says, trying to be difficult.

"Seriously." I said.

"December 25th." He said, smiling a little after laughing a bit.

I was a little shocked then amazed, "You were born on Christmas?!"


"That's cool."


"No we should definitely name him Kameron if we have a son." Bryant says.

I smile but was kinda confused, how'd we end up here? "And his middle name?" I ask.

"Madagascar, duh." Bryant says with a big smile.

I frown, cuz really nigga?

"Bryant don't play with me."

"Ok ok what about Ethan?"

I think about it, naming our son - if we have a son - after my name would be cute. "So Kameron Ethan Smith?" I ask.

Bryant nods.

"I like that, keep that in mind." I say.


"Do you have a roblox account?" I ask

"Yeah its blacknigga458."

"Bryant be fr!"

"Ok, yes I do!" He laughs.

"Well what is it?" I ask.

"Bryant105." He says.

Ok mines, "Nottithan"

(Yall get it? Notti - "Not" so "Not - Ethan" ? Nvm)

"And that's kinda sad." I said.

He looks at me confused, "what?"

"People stole your name so you had to put 105 at the end." I explained.

"Oh no I put it there for a reason." He says.

I was confused now, "Why?"

"Just put a decimal in between 0 and 5, you'll get what I mean."

This nigga confusing me.

"Make sure it's in inches too."

It took some seconds then it clicked. I blushed so bad. "Bryant you can't just say that!!"

"You asked!" He defends himself.

We end up laughing it off then he had to go.

We were by the front door and we hugged then kissed. He gave my ass a small tap and I was surprised and pushed him off me. "Bryant I hate you!"

He laughs and quickly leaves before I could do anything, Im sure i was a blushing mess. "Love you!" He yells, walking to his car while looking back at me with a stupid smile.

I flip him off and close the door. I did like what he did but right now I was too shy.

I went to my room and shut the door then text him:


Hey. I hope you drive off a cliff and die

My Baby 🤍 : All because of a touch?

Yes now bye, love you 🤍

My Baby 🤍 : Bye, love you too!

I love him, i promise i would never run him over 😁 .


fun fact: im a twin ! (older too)

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