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In ancient realms where the rivers weave,
And mountains rise, their secrets to leave,
A force of nature, both fierce and kind,
The essence of life, in its depths confined.

From clouds above, the journey begins,
With whispers of rain, the Earth softly spins.
A drop of dew, a crystal sphere,
Reflecting the dawn, so precious and clear.

It cascades down from the peaks so high,
In torrents and streams, it rushes to fly.
Through valleys and plains, it carves its own way,
A sculptor of lands, in twilight and day.

In forests deep, where the shadows fall,
The brook sings a song, a beckoning call.
It nourishes roots, gives strength to the trees,
A tapestry woven with whispers of breeze.

Oceans vast, with their powerful might,
Guardians of mysteries hidden from sight.
They cradle the ships as they venture afar,
While waves crash and roar, a wild symphony's bar.

Yet, water can rage with a tempest's wrath,
Floods sweeping all, altering the path.
A torrent unleashed, a vengeful tide,
Reminds the earth of the fury inside.

But in its soft calm, there's solace profound,
In lakes and lagoons, peace can be found.
The moon's silver gaze on a tranquil sea,
Reflects the dreams of all that shall be.

In every droplet, a tale to unfold,
Of journeys through time, both timid and bold.
It dances in fountains, sparkles in light,
A prism of colors, a dazzling sight.

And when the sun sets, and darkness descends,
The rivers still murmur, as night gently bends.
With stars as its witness, the waters will flow,
An eternal connection, where life starts to grow.

So sing of the water, the lifeblood of earth,
In every creature, it nurtures rebirth.
For in its embrace, we find our true home,
A legacy written in the waves' gentle foam.

In the cycle of life, let its story resound,
From the highest mountain to the depths profound.
An epic unending, a journey divine,
In the heart of the water, our spirits entwine.

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