Episode Three: "The Trial of Discord"

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Opening Scene: Exit from Lily's Trial

The coven steps out of the Evil Queen's cursed castle, their feet hitting the cold stone floors of the original castle they were in before being sucked into the fairytale world. The air is eerily still, carrying the echo of their breaths and soft footsteps. The tension from the last trial lingers in the atmosphere, each of them processing what just happened, even if they're too shaken to discuss it yet.

Olivia is the first to break the silence, a smug grin spreading across her face as she nudges Mia.

Olivia: "Did you see the look on Snow White's face when Mia decked her? Absolutely priceless."

Mia smirks in response, but there's a weight behind her usual confidence. While she's glad they survived, her earlier outburst-her raw aggression-left a bitter taste in her mouth. There's something about these trials that's pulling things out of her, and she's not sure she likes it.

Mia: "She had it coming."

Donut, however, is far more contemplative, casting a glance at Lily, who now holds the Evil Queen's powers like a dark crown she hasn't quite worn yet.

Donut: "If every trial is like that, what are we going to be like by the end?"

Donut, always the more reluctant of the group, radiates concern.

Donut: "Yeah, I mean, that was... intense. What if this stuff changes us?"

Sarah stands a little apart from the group, arms crossed, watching them. Her expression is guarded, as though she's fighting an internal battle of her own.

Sarah: "We can't lose sight of why we're here. This is about uncovering the truth-about us, about our ancestors. We're not just playing some game here."

Lily, still adapting to her role as the leader, steps forward with a new confidence. The Evil Queen's powers haven't overwhelmed her-they've sharpened her focus.

Lily: "We'll be fine. The trials are brutal, but they're necessary. We're stronger now, and we're one step closer to the truth. Let's keep moving."


The Whisper and The Ascent

Just as Lily finishes speaking, a strange whisper echoes through the stone hall, faint but unmistakable, carrying a taunting tone.

Voice: "Hope you're not afraid of heights..."

The coven freezes, eyes darting around in search of the source. But before anyone can react, the ground beneath them shudders and trembles. Slowly, they start to rise, the stone floor beneath their feet lifting as though propelled by unseen magic. They stagger, trying to keep their balance as their surroundings blur and shift.

Their clothing begins to change mid-ascent-modern attire morphing into medieval-like garments. Lily's flowing regal attire transforms into something simpler, while Mia and Olivia find themselves in elegant, aristocratic dresses, their skirts swirling as the wind whips through the open air.

As they rise higher and higher, they hear a faint brushing sound-the gentle stroke of a brush against hair and the swish of a paintbrush on canvas. They turn toward the sound and realize they are being lifted into the highest room of an impossibly tall tower. At the top sits Rapunzel.


Rapunzel's Tower: The Start of Sarah's Trial

Rapunzel sits in front of a grand window, her back to the coven, golden hair cascading in thick waves across the floor. One hand brushes through her impossibly long locks while the other holds a paintbrush, sweeping strokes across a canvas. The room is bathed in soft light, filled with pastels and delicate tapestries. Despite the fairytale beauty of her surroundings, Rapunzel's expression is distant, forlorn, as though weighed down by centuries of isolation.

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