So can you wait me out?

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It was one of those dreams, Where you'd fall and fall but never hit the ground, Danny jolted awake, He looked at the time on his clock, 8:30 am, A weekend.

He didn't want to waste the day away by continuing to sleep in, Danny wanted to get in some hanging out with his friends before a ghost would inevitably ruin his week.

As he sat up, Trying to wake himself, The half ghost realized something… It was quiet, He shot awake as he knew that by this time of day, His parents would be working loudly in their lab with whatever invention, For better or worse.

Maybe it was the lack of sleep. He had been on a particularly long patrol last night but Danny felt like something wasn't right. The half ghost got out of bed. He wanted to seem indifferent so he got dressed in the same casual clothes he normally wore.


Coming down the stairs he was greeted at the sight of his parents, Still in their hazmat suits, But his mother thankfully didn't have her attack mode hood and goggles on.

They were staring out the window, Whispering amongst each other. Pointing out things, Ranging from the color of a car to the shape of someone's nose and if their shoes had memory foam.

“Uh, Mom? Dad? What are you doing?” He asked, Hovering a hand in front of him out of expressive habit.

“Oh! Danny! We're watching the new neighbors move in!” His mother said gleefully as she looked back at him with her soft purple eyes.

“We gotta be careful Madds! They might be spooks!” This earned his father an annoyed elbow jab to the rib.

She spoke up again. “Don't talk about Timmy's parents like that.” Timmy… He hadn't heard much about him over the years, He barely remembered much about his older cousin.

“Wait. I thought you guys hated them?” He vividly remembered how fumed his mother would get after her sister, His aunt, Would visit, Not to mention his father's disdain for their neglect, It was hard to get him to hate anyone, Anyone with flesh and blood at least.

“Don't worry Danny-Boy! It's not those parents! It's his other parents!”

“Other parents?” The half ghost questioned out loud as he pushed past the two, Staring out the window as he'd spot two adults across the street, A man and woman, Green and pink hair being their most obvious traits.

They looked way too excited about unpacking, The husband, He presumed, Somehow spotted him, Smiling and waving, In which Danny just stared back before stepping away.

“Cosmo and Wanda really helped your cousin deal with everything growing up, I can't wait to invite them over once they get settled in!” His mother said, Clasping her hands.

“And I can show them the intrigue and spectacle of the Fenton-stove! It runs on ectoplasm instead of electricity or gas!” His father chimed in pridefully.

Despite his confusion, Danny was glad to see them so happy and excited over something that didn't involve the capture, Experimentation or eradication of ghosts.

Though the suddenness of all of this was still off putting to him.


Danny sat in the cafeteria the next day, Picking at his food, His senses told him something wasn't right and that spoiled his already fickle appetite. “I just don't get it. Mom and Dad have never mentioned some random adoptive parents my cousin supposedly had.” He waved his hands to emphasize his point.

“Are you gonna eat that?” The half ghost sighed and slid his tray towards Tucker, Who began picking what he wanted from it. “Thanks man! Maybe it's one of those adult adoption things?”

Wings and Wisps - DP x FOPWhere stories live. Discover now