Fallin' over everything to reach the first times spark

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Peri stared out the window on the short ride back, Watching the houses pass by. It was a little sad. After all the events that had happened at school, He was again alone. To an extent, He had his parents but at the same time they weren't his peers.

"How was your first day sport?" The fairy made no eye contact with his mother, He knew he couldn't tell her what happened, She worried too much.

"It went well." Peri replied a little more blankly than he had meant to. "It was fine I mean." That was even worse, Maybe a subject change. "Where's Dad?"

"Oh he's at home, Your father is really excited to make dinner, Apparently he's firing up the grill tonight! Isn't that fun?" She took the bait, Though Peri couldn't help but wonder why, His mother was always the more thorough of his parents.

The rest of the drive home was quiet, As quiet as it could be with how recklessly she drove. Note to self, Use magic to get home or Dad...

At least the fear for his life seemed to distract him from the dread that was his first day... Uh oh it's back... How could Peri not think about his major screw up?

He wanted to go home and immediately head to bed, To tune everything out for the night or at least prepare himself for the next day but he had to keep up appearances.

"We're having dinner with our neighbors, The Fentons sometime this week. If you want to stay home, That's fine but I think It'll do you some good to come, They've got a son your age y'know."

"They have those big satellites, Aren't you worried about them finding us out?" The younger fairy changed the subject a tiny bit, He didn't exactly want to think about his peers.

"Oh, No, They're ghost hunters but we'll just keep a low profile- Oops-" She assured him as she almost ran over someone's mailbox.

Peri had unfortunately gotten used to his mom's lack of road sense, He just hoped that of all the scary things looking him down, Her driving wouldn't be the thing to actually get him.


"So what did you learn, Tuck?" Danny asked as he walked home with his friends, They had studying to do tonight so a sleepover was in order.

"Well.. Apparently Peri is from Dimmsdale, Honestly, He seems nice, I didn't notice anything weird about him, A little nervous but I mean, Hes new." Tucker explained, Shrugging.

"I can't say I got anything from him during our small interaction either, I wonder if something is after the guy?" Sam chimed in.

"I'll try and gauge him tomorrow." Was he paranoid? Yes, Skeptical? Absolutely, But he kinda had to be when eight times out of ten, Any new faces that come into his life were either malicious or came packaged with some sort of evil and promptly booted out.

There were.. Exceptions of course.


To the fairy's surprise, His dad was infact, Grilling outside, His parents typically used magic for food and or most of their needs, Despite the suspicion it could bring as items needed to pre-exist unless it was a wish.

Peri supposed that it was important to use frequent amounts of magic to starve off backup, It did make sense, Smaller instances that would be undetectable by non critical eyes versus one big instance that could draw attention of people who weren't even scrutinizing you.

He just hoped that when his parents met the Fentons, That they would show more restraint and hopefully not get themselves found out by the ghost hunters.

Peri's mother actually pulled up carefully to their driveway instead of her usual lunatic driving, Actually driving the concrete instead of him insane.... And then she somehow turned the car sideways, Blocking the small garage.

Wings and Wisps - DP x FOPWhere stories live. Discover now