Part 8: Smart Cookie

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Part 8: Smart Cookie

The music was blaring over the sound system in the little black Lexus IS that Nicole was accustom to driving.  It took a moment for her to realize a call was coming through that stereo system, but she quickly hit the receive button allowing the call to come through. “Hello?”

“Nicole, Xander here. I’ve left Grace at her house and I’m on my way South. Hopefully I’ll be able to get to him before anything drastic happens.”

“Sounds good. I should be there in about an hour. Do you think the kids safe?” She asked.

“Yes. I’m sure. From my calculations my dear brother has no reason to come back for the kid. All he wants is Ava and he has that.” Xander seethed.

“I hope you’re right Xander. I don’t have a good feeling about any of this.”

“Just let me know when you get to Ava’s place.”

“Will do, Commander General Sir!” Nicole teased.

Xander let out a chuckle. “Enough. Call me later.” With that the conversation was disconnected.  

Nicole drove for another forty-five minutes, before she pulled up in front of Ava’s little house.  She couldn’t help from smiling at the quaintness of the structure. The front was lines with flowers and the lawn was nicely trimmed and edged. She could she Ava took care of those things she cared about. As she pulled her bags from the trunk, her smile began to fade. Something didn’t seem right. No, take that back, something didn’t smell right. Nicole sniffed the air as she made her way to the front door. Klaus! It smells just like the asshole.

Nicole dropped her bags and started pounding on the door. She listened closely as there was no sound coming from within. Nicole searched around the ground and under some rocks and shrubs in hopes of finding a spare house key. The only thing she found was the crushed cell phone.

“Oh, shit. Not good… not good at all.” Nicole muttered as she dialed Xander’s number.

“Yes?” He said as he picked up the line.

“Xander, we have a problem.”


Grace hated the dark; especially being alone in the dark with an unpredictable vampire. She hated herself for thinking this, but what if he lied.

“Where are we?” She asked, just above a whisper.

Klaus laughed, sensing her fear. “I thought you wanted to see your mother.”

“Y-yes… of course I do.” Grace stuttered.

“Then shut up and come with me.” With that Klaus grabbed Grace’s arm and started pulling her deeper inside the cottage. Grace was totally engulfed in darkness, completely unaware of her surroundings. She was hoping her eyes would adjust to the lack of light soon.

They both came to a halt, and she heard Klaus fiddling with some keys. Once the door was opened, they made the decent downward. Grace sucked in her breath and could taste the wet earth around her. Stopping on more time, she heard the keys rattle; just before she was pushed into a low lit room.

“Ava my love, I have the present you asked for.” Klaus called out, just as a chair came crashing down on his head; breaking in a hundred splinters. Crumbling to the floor from the force of the blow, Klaus found himself on his knees dazed and unprepared.  

Grabbing a broken piece of wood, Ava stood over Klaus. With all her might, she stabbed him in the back, she had no idea if she was near his heart or not, but if she could slow him down it would be worth it. Feeling the wood rip through his flesh; Ava twisted it slightly and pushed it in further.

Klaus let out a blood curdling scream. “You f ucking b itch. You’ll pay.” He cursed at her. His mouth foaming as he reached around to grab at the stake. 

“Go to hell you f ucking as shole.” Ava screamed as grabbed Grace’s arm. “Grace, up the stairs, NOW!”

Bending down, Ava reached for the keys lying next the pain riddled body of Klaus. Ava felt his hand trying to grasp hers; not wanting her to have access to the keys. Without even thinking; Ava took hold of the keys, turned and kicked Klaus straight in the face. “F uck you! You peace of s hit” She screamed as she made her way through the cellar door.

Ava did the only thing she could think of to keep Klaus as far behind them as possible. She knew it wouldn’t take him to long to pull out the piece of wood and heal. So she turned and locked the bottom cellar door, ran up the stairs and locked the top cellar door as well.   

“Grace? Where the hell are you honey?” She called out, frantic.

“Mom…mom. I’m here. I’m outside. Hurry, Mom!” She heard Grace call to her.

Once out in the open, Ava realized it was the middle of the night and she had no clue were to go. Reaching Grace she hugged her with everything she had.

“Mom, I thought I’d never see you again.”

“It’s okay. I’m okay. But we have to go.” Ava looked up and down the dirt road before her.

“Mom, we came this way.” Grace started pulling her to down the road.

“Are you sure.” Ava asked. She could see Grace’s eyes in the moonlight.

“Yes… I’m sure. Mom we need to get to a phone and call Xander.”

“Grace, I don’t have a way to call him. We need the police.”

Reaching into her pocket, Grace produced the piece of paper Xander had printed his and Nicole’s number on. “Mom, I have it right here. Now let’s go, before he gets loose and comes after us.”

Ava looked at her daughter with such pride and love. She’s truthfully a smart little cookie. Grabbing her hand, they both took off into the darkness. Hoping the find a phone before Klaus finds them.  Ava feared that once she finds her, mate or no mate, she’d be dead.

Copyright ©Shattered_Violet 2013

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