Chapter two

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i walk into the house and see my parents sitting on the couch with two very handsome men or boys what ever you want to call them. I over hear a part of their conversation before one of the boys is stading next to me smelling me. I try not to laugh I mean really why in the world are you smelling me unless im your ........ mate oh shit this is going to be good. i think he's name was zayn but i think that might be the other one. He is either zayn or niall. wird names right but the names match them perfectly. Cute names for cute boys :) anyway i look up at my mom and see a horifide look on her face lke he was going to kill me or something. i look up at him and he has a smirk on his very atractive and very difinded face. He has high check bones and pulmp and very kissable lips his eyes are a honey brown but a little darker and his smile is to die for.

" you know its not nice to stare." was all he said in his angelic voice and i was blushing and i never in my entire sixteen years blushed. ' MATE' my wolf was screamming at me but i just wasen't paying attention at first. I about faint my mate was a rouge. what am i going to do i dont want to leave to go on the run so he better say here or have a pack of his own. God i hope they don't hate me or what if he rejects me. I don't want to be known as the girl who got rejected by a rouge. I'm so screwed.

" I'm sorry i didn't relise i was staring at you, i mean its kinda hard not to get lost in those brown orbs or ours." omg i didn't just say that shit he probally thinks im a weirdo now.' no he doesn't he loves us' 'how does he love us when we just meet him and havent even shifted yet.' ' he was destened to be with us he will always love usno matter what.' bull he doesn't even want us i what i want to say but am brought back to the real world by the sound of laughter. I look around the room and everyone is stareing at me and him. i feel bad that i dont know his name yet. oh well. I guess i should ask him.

" what's your name ?"

" my name is zayn cutie zayn malik." he says with a smirk anyoone in africa could see. god cocky much.

" you aint got to be cocky about it all i did was ask your name not for you to show off how cocky you can be. "

" no one and i dont care if your my mate you will not disrispect the alpah of the midnight hallows pack." i rty not to laugh,

" one hun i will talk to anyone i want the way i want and you cant stop me and i dont give a flying fuck who you are you will not use that tone with me. Are e clear? good now how about you go take a seat and watch how a alpha is suppost to ack infront of their mate you jack ass." next thing i know i'm against the wall by my throut and this ass hole is holding me there.

" like i said once you will not talk to me like that i will not stand for it if you dont keep you mouth shut i might jus reject you right here.." i cut him off by me laughing. he is so funny i knee him in the stomiach and then once his hand is off my neck i use all my power and knee him in the face and stand over him and laugh.

" GO ahead and do it i dont care its not like you mean anything to me i dont even know who you are. For all i know you could be some phycio that is blood thirst and wants the territory. you mean nothing to me and you just got your ass handed to you by a girl so im going to say this one time and one time only ." i grabbed his shit and puulled him up to face me " never and i mean never put your hands on me got it get it good." i left go and walk away.

" don't walk away from me you mutt." oh hell no

" what did you just call me you fucking dog you are the only mutt i see here right now the rest of us are pure breed alphas and bettas and nothing more of less. so if you say one more word i will reject you and banish you from my territory." i grab shyanne's hand and walk to my room. im fumming i rant about who he thinks he is putting his hands one me and who the hell does he think he is talking to when im done im hungry so i go back down stairs and find him in the kitchen. He is leaning on the counter eating grapes. God i want to hit him so bad for even thinking about putting his hands on me. I look at him in prue dicust. I'm going to make him wish he never touched me. I walk over to the cabnet he was near because that has my beef roman noodles in it. I know right what chance but whatever i hip check him and he stumbles out of the way i have to get on my tippy toes cause someone put them on the wrong shelf and now i can't reach cause i'm only 5'3". He grabs my roman noodles and laughs i turn around and he was looking at my ass. That perv so i reach for the package and he pulls it away from me. oh no he didn't that my food and no one takes my food. i walk over to him and put my arms around his neck and start to trail my hand down his chest and across his jaw he softens up and i reach for the package again thistime he wasent paying attention so i got them the when i had ahold of them i pulled back with my food. He lets out a low growl and i just laugh. i get out a bowl and sppon. (i eat my roman noodles with a spoon so what sue me ) i crush up my noodles and put my water and the in the micrwave they go. i have to stand there for three mintues or eles someone cough cough shayne will get them and im hungry so that wont work. I hope up on the counter and sit there this needs to work faster im too impationt and zayn is looking at me weird i dont like it. He walks over to where I'm sitting and puts his hands on hips and looks at me.

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