X + Sage.

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Chapter: X + Sage

The rain fell in steady sheets, soaking the earth with a rhythm that echoed through the forest like the pulse of a sleeping giant. Each drop seemed to awaken something below, a murmur of life stirring beneath the layers of mud and stone. Sevv stood at the edge of a clearing, where the trees formed a natural circle, their branches woven together like the fingers of old friends in a silent pact.

In the center of this space lay an ancient stone, its surface etched with symbols that had long since worn away. This place was not marked on any map; it was known only to those who followed Sage. Here, time moved differently—minutes stretched into hours, and the weight of days could be felt like the roots that reached deep beneath the soil.

Sevv's eyes traced the patterns in the stone, listening not just with ears, but with a sense beyond the ordinary. It was as if the world breathed in, drawing its energy inward, preparing to speak. This was where Sage would meet Sevv to share lessons that did not come from books, but from the quiet whispers of the earth itself.

Then came a rustling at the forest's edge. Alex emerged from the dense foliage, soaked to the bone and breathing heavily. There was an urgency in Alex's step, a drive that propelled forward without pause. "Sevv," Alex called out, shaking droplets from a coat that clung too tightly. "There's no time for this—I've found something we need to act on now."

Sevv turned to face Alex, a calmness in those eyes that contrasted sharply with Alex's hurried expression. "The rain will not stop because you will it to," Sevv replied softly. "Nor will the earth rush to dry. What is it you have found that brings you here with such haste?"

"An opportunity," Alex said, voice edged with impatience. "It's like the Remedy you've spoken of before—something that can help people, right now. But we need to move quickly. It won't wait."

Sevv took a step forward, the damp ground giving slightly beneath each footfall. "Opportunities rarely do," Sevv said, "but are you sure it is more than just a temporary fix? What you call Remedy, I call a spark—it may start a fire, or it may burn out before it gives any warmth."

Alex frowned. "I'm not here to debate with you, Sevv. We need to act. You can sit here in the rain and ponder all you want, but I'm going to do something."

The rain continued to fall, each droplet merging into the puddles that pooled around their feet. Sevv's gaze remained steady, tracing the path of one particular rivulet as it wound its way across the stone. "Very well, then," Sevv said at last, "but remember—sometimes action is the beginning of understanding, not the end. If you need me, I will be here, listening to what the earth has to say."

Without another word, Alex turned and strode back toward the forest's edge, disappearing once more into the tangled depths. The rain did not lessen; its rhythm continued unchanged, as if it had been falling forever. Sevv remained, alone in the clearing, watching the place where Alex had vanished.

It was then that Sage's voice seemed to speak from the very air itself, gentle and unwavering. "You will follow, won't you?" it asked, though Sevv knew it was not really a question. The Sage had always taught that the path of wisdom often lay not in choosing one course over another, but in understanding the true nature of both.

Sevv closed their eyes and took a deep breath, letting the rain soak deeper into the fabric of being. "Yes," Sevv whispered to the silence. "I will follow, but not to chase. I will walk with the rain, and when Alex reaches the place where Remedy falters, I will be there to guide the way."

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