Silver Linings Play Book and Secretly Hating Your 'Just' Best Friend

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Silver Linings Play Book and Secretly Hating Your 'Just' Best Friend

When Riley got home she raced towards her bedroom, not stopping to answer any of her parents' questions, she locked the door behind her and locked her bay window up. She didn't want to be seen by anyone, especially not Maya right now, she curled up in her bay window and bawled her eyes down, every once in a while letting out a sob or a scream of anger.


Riley growled a little at herself as she hit the heels of her palms against her head. The brunette felt so dumb for actually believing that Maya could love her like that, and she felt so stupid that her first time was a mistake to Maya. Just a filthy mistake that you could walk away from the next morning. The brunette rubbed her tears away as she heard someone unlocking her door and she sat up, she didn't want anyone to see her as a wreck. Topanga came in shyly and closed the door behind her and locked the door again.

"You okay baby??" Her mom asked really concerned and walked over to the bay window and sat down next to her crying daughter. Riley shook her head as she leaned into her mom and cried on her shoulder. "What happened? Did Lucas hurt you?" She asked worriedly, hoping that wasn't the case, she was relieved when Riley shook her head. "You wanna talk about it sweet pea?" She asked holding Riley close and rubbed her back.

"No." Was all Riley said and sniffled as she looked up at her mom. She signed softly and cuddled up to her. "Can we watch rom-coms and eat popcorn instead?" Riley said shyly and wiped her eyes laughing softly as her mom nodded and smiled.
"You put your jammies on, I'll kick the boys out, and get the movies and popcorn ready." Topanga said hugging her daughter tightly before getting up and smiled at her beautiful daughter who looked so hurt. As the short Brunette woman walked out to the living room. "She'll be fine but we need a mother daughter day. So you and Auggie should have a daddy son day. Go out and see Jurassic World or something." Topanga said seeing Cory's relieved face.
"Okay. AUGGIE WE'RE GOING TO SEE A MOVIE." Cory called and laughed as he came darting out of his room and Cory picked him up and carried him out of their apartment. Riley came out of her room in her 'I'm sad' pajamas and sat on the couch curling up in her comforter that she also brought out.

I hate Maya for doing this to me.

"Can we watch Silver Linings Playbook first please?" Riley asked looking over at her mom who was getting the popcorn out of the bag and was making her daughter some cinnamon hot cocoa knowing it always cheered her up.

"Of course sweetie. Whatever you want." Topanga said lovingly and brought over the two full mugs, a bag of mini marshmallows, and the popcorn all down on the coffee table and put the TV on putting the movie in so that would play, after doing so she turned the lights off and sat down next to Riley. "Got enough comforter to give your mom some?" She asked shivering slightly, the taller brunette laughed a little sadly, and nodded giving some to her mom and bit her lip as she watched the movie.

Why do I feel like this movie is my life. And I'm Jennifer Lawrence and Maya's Pat Solitano?

The younger woman cried softly and occasionally threw popcorn at the screen. "Can't you tell she's in love with you, you idiot!" She yelled out and felt Topanga's arm around her shoulder's like Maya did.

I love you Maya, so much you make me crazy.

The brunette and her mom spent the rest of the day watching rom-coms and ordered in Chinese for dinner while Auggie and Cory watched new movies all day.

After that Riley went to bed and finally checked her messages to see she had 100 new messages, all of which were from Maya. And the latest were:

Maya: I had fun at the dance.

Maya: You okay?

Maya: Riley are you sure I didn't do anything stupid?

Maya: Please answer me.

Maya: Did I fuck up?

Maya: Riley what did I do?

Maya: Riley?

You didn't do anything: Riley

I'm fine I just had a daughter-mother day with my mom: Riley

All you did was take your shirt off before you fell asleep: Riley

And steal my heart, and fucking dance over it.

Maya: Okay see you at your mom's bakery tomorrow?

Yeah sure, night: Riley

I love you, why can't you love me?

And They Stared at Each Other a Little too Long to Just Be FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now