Untameable Locks and Dumb Purple Cats

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Riley was dressing the curly haired Carson and attempted to tame his locks to no avail, tonight was a big night, Maya was having her first real gallery showing. Even if it was a student gallery exhibit, being picked was a huge honor for the blonde haired woman. The brunette laughed as her son wiggled in his little suit before putting little shoes on him; he was only two years old but he was still growing up way too fast for Riley to be comfortable. "Okay little bear you can watch some tv while me and mama get dressed okay?" She asked rustling the hair she gave up on trying to tame, she put the tv on to a kid's channel before locking the television to only play that channel and leaving the living room to get dressed and help her wife get dressed as well, they still had a few hours before the event started but they wanted to be there super early for the photographers.

Riley was greeted by an anxious Maya who was struggling between a blue suit jacket or a burgundy crushed velvet blazer. "Go with the blazer, it matches my dress more." She said trying to help her lover who gave her a silent nod of appreciation before putting it on and giving her a quick peck on the cheek. "Do you want me to do your hair still? Or were you going with that stylish ponytail?" She asked as she walked to the wardrobe and started getting dressed, she pulled out a simple dress in a similar shade as Maya's blazer. It hit just below her knees in a fluffy A line silhouette and had lace sleeves that were 3/4s length, she wanted to be modest but still cute and stylish. The tan woman pulled out the hot curlers she had in her hair before loosely brushing them out to get less uniform curls and more relaxed lookimg hair.

"I'm going to do a braided crown, I think it'll look nice right?" She asked more than said, even if she wouldn't admit out loud she was a nervous wreck, she was one of the featured artists in the gallery and she never really had to explain her art to anyone who didn't get it. On top of all that Riley was going to see it for the first time which was enough to cause the blonde to shake by itself, she knew Riley wouldn't hate it but she really wanted her to love it; after all it was mostly about her.

A half an hour and a carride later the two women were carrying their son through the parking garage. "Now we need you on your tippity top best behaviour okay mister? You'll get an extra serving of icecream!" Riley said wiggling her eyebrows to get a giggle out of her son and lightly tickling his sides before pinching his cheeks light. The little boy nodded and reached out to her from his mama's side, so Riley was all too happy to grab him from Maya; and in the process the two women wrapped their arms around their waists.

A short walk led them to the gallery, the lighting a multicolour LED or neon light depending on what room they were in. Of course Maya led Riley through all the exhibits before taking her to her own, mostly because she wanted to suprise her. The lighting could change between plain purple neon, to a black light which brought a whole other world to her artwork. Across all the paintings were these very simple purple cats that appeared to be doing mundane tasks, but when the blacklight kicked up you could see a whole world of imagination lying in that purple cat's mind.

Riley couldn't believe that Maya still remembered those stupid purple cats, it was almost enough to bring tears to her eyes. "You okay mommy?" Carson asked before kissing her nose, the brunette laughed and nodded before setting him down gently and pulled her wife in for a deep kiss.

"You're such a dork. You're thesis was on my dumb purple cats?" Riley asked as she cleared her eyes from the happy tears that welled up. "You have all that talent your brain and you do my purple cats?" She asked giggling before embracing her tightly. She liked it, but she couldn't form a nicer way to say what she wanted to but this is what was falling out of her soft pink lips. "I'm sorry if it sounds like I don't like it, I really do." She added before picking up her son with a big smile on her face.

"Of course I did your purple cats, what else would I have done silly?" Maya said placing a small kiss on her lover's forehead. Their intimate exchange was caught as a candid by the photographer before they were approached by said photographer and they were asked for a couple pictures. The rest of the night went pretty well, Carson only touched a few artworks; to which he was very quickly told was a bad thing to do and then made to say sorry to the artists. Maya even sold some of her work for a pretty penny.

Once home Carson was treated with an extra scoop of icecream, and then tucked in after his sugar high.
And everything was good.

{A/N: || Hey I know its been a while, sorry of its awkard im just out of practice with these characters!}

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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