Late Nights and Early Mornings

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Late Nights and Early Mornings

Riley lied down on next to a half sleeping Maya and closed her eyes softly, she reached over and grabbed the blonde's hand and held it happily and her eyes slammed open when she heard Maya's loud alarm sound off and awaken the previously sleeping Carson. Riley groaned softly and rubbed her eyes sleepily she couldn't believe it was 6 am already, she had barely slept any but she was okay with that. Most likely Auggie would come over and offer to babysit his nephew free of charge and offer Riley a couple hours to catch up on sleep. "You should make your alarm quieter. Because of that... You get to put him back to sleep." She said smirking and looked at the blonde and kissed her softly.

"Its okay it was my turn anyways." Maya said and kissed her girlfriend again. "Ohh I wanted to ask you something." Maya added and turned on her side, fumbling to get something out of her nightstand And set a black velvet box on the bed with a sleepy smile as she looked at the brunette.

"Are you asking me to marry you?" Riley asked sleepily but had a dopey smile on her face and took the box in her hands and opened it, the ring was gorgeous, it had a greenish tint in the gem and a gold band.

"Its the same color as the dress you wore to the sock hop, the best and worst night of our lives." Maya said sheepishly as she kissed Riley's neck lovingly, Riley slid the ring onto her finger and smiled down at Maya. "Is that a yes?" Maya asked and Riley nodded happily as she leaned down and kissed Maya lovingly. "Good, I should go put Carson to sleep." Maya said and crawled out of bed and walked a bit heavy footed over to the nursery.

God you walk like an oaf. Riley thought to herself and closed her eyes happily. The brunette quickly fell asleep after Carson's crying stopped, she was faintly awake for a second when Maya kissed her on the top of the head and said goodbye. The brunette woke up some time around 10 to a knock on her door, she groaned and got up to see it was Auggie. "Hey Auggie. Wanna baby sit today?" She asked rubbing her eyes and blinked away her sleepy tears.

"Yep, I love taking care of baby Carson." Auggie said softly not trying to wake him up. "Plus by the looks of it you need beauty sleep sis." He said and patted her shoulder softly and she nodded, he looked at her hand and smirked softly he laughed to himself and shook his head. "So Maya finally asked you?" He asked and looked at the brunette's left hand she blushed and nodded softly when he took her hand.

"Wait what do you mean finally?" Riley asked a bit confused as she looked at her little brother, she furrowed her brows and bit her lip. "Did she say something to you guys?" She asked and blushed a little at the thought of Maya asking her family for permission.

"Yeah, she said she was going to propose at graduation but then she got too worried that it was too soon." Auggie laughed a little and nodded to himself as he looked at Riley. "Took long enough for her to ask you." Auggie said and turned his head as he heard Carson starting to cry. "I'll get that, you relax." He said and walked over to Carson's nursery with a big smile on his face. Riley looked a bit confused and closed the door slowly and went to lie down on her bed.

When Maya got home Auggie had dropped Carson off for the night and Riley was bouncing him on her hip as she tried to cook dinner for the blonde but ended up getting it most of it in her hair via Carson who liked to make mommy's hair into a spaghetti sauce finger painting masterpiece. The brunette gave up after a while of trying to pick it out and just decided to wash it out later, she smiled at the blonde and kissed her lovingly. "I like the finger painting Carson did in your hair." Maya said teasingly and picked out a tomato chunk.

"Yeah I know, you try to cook with this little monster." She said teasingly to Carson and kissed his cheek happily, the brunette handed her son over to Maya and the blonde put him in his highchair and smiled when she heard her son laugh. Riley served up the pasta, giving Carson a little bit and then gave Maya and herself some, the brunette looked over at Carson who was flailing his arms and smashed his hands into the spaghetti and eventually shoved some fistfulls into his mouth. "Good boy!" She said clapping a little before turning to Maya. "So Auggie came over."

"You know he likes being called Augustus now right?" Maya asked and Riley nodded slightly, the blonde smiled and looked at Carson and laughed softly.

"Yeah but he's my little brother I'll always call him Auggie. Well he came by and told me that you originally wanted to propose to me at graduation." Riley said and watched Maya choke on her spaghetti. "You're cute." She said.

"And you're cute too with your spaghetti sauce hair."


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