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Julie's pov.

"Julie I'm home!"

It's my mom. One look at the clock tells me that I have been laying in bed for a few hours.


Oh wow, my thoughts really drown me, making me lose like half of my time to live.

I go downstairs to greet my mom. She hugs me with a big smile on her face, I do so too.

"How was your first day?"


"It was really good, I think I will get used to it quickly." I smile

"have you made any friends?"

My mind immediately thinks of Kai. I brush the thought off though

"Not yet, but I'm sure that will change soon." I try to sound convincing. soon huh?

"did you eat yet?"

simply not feeling any appetite "yes."

She smiles softly before going away.

Whats my plan now? hmmm I could go outside. It's raining but whatever. I put on my jacket and shoes. Headphones! plugging them into my phone I put on some music. I quickly tell my mom that I'm going on a walk before I leave the house.

Slowly walking while I'm thinking of a destination. The convenience store.

I put my hands into my pockets since they are freezing. My fingers touch the letter and I just stroke it with my thumb, I tend to do that since it gives me comfort.


I have been walking for quite a while now, I don't mind though.

I see the light getting closer as I slowly approach the store.

A quick look on my phone tells me that it's 11pm by now.

I enter the store and the lights blind me. I pull the hood further into my face and look around the store. What am I looking for?

I don't know

I end up just buying myself a lollipop, as quickly as I entered the store, I'm gone again.

The walk home was peaceful.


As I'm getting ready I change the bandage and take another look at the wounds, they look so much worse due to todays... well- occurrences.

I lay in bed and soon enough already fall asleep.



I slap the alarm off. ugh. I get up, get ready quickly, realizing that I'm quite early today.
As I walk downstairs I can hear that my mom must be gone already. Finding a little sticky note in the kitchen confirms my suspicion.

"I'm sorry I had to leave early today. love you."

I don't feel like eating breakfast, it's way too early for that but since I don't really eat at school either I kinda have to at least eat something now.

Min would always make sure I eat enough. I sigh as I internally decide to eat something, for him.

I wait for the bus, feeling watched, but I shake off the feeling, putting my headphones into my ear.

The ride to school was quiet and surprisingly pleasant. I arrived too early, which was fine since I decided to just explore the place a bit more.

As I walk into the school I look down, seeing that the blood on my sleeve has mostly washed out, luckily. But if you take a closer look you can see a stain which would probably stay for the next few washes, I think thats fine though.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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