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Seonghwa stirred awake, the remnants of exhaustion clinging to him like a heavy fog. His body felt dirty, the last traces of his freedom lingering in the crevices of his mind. He squinted against the soft light filtering in from somewhere in the room, glancing around to assess his surroundings. The unfamiliar space was eerily quiet, and for a brief moment, he found solace in the stillness.

Just wait for him, he reminded himself, focusing on the ticking clock hanging above the desk. It felt like hours had passed, but he knew it was probably only a few minutes. Time seemed to distort in this new reality, stretching and contracting like a rubber band. He took a deep breath, trying to calm the churning in his stomach.

Just as he mentally prepared himself for whatever would come next, the door creaked open, and the masked man stepped inside.

Seonghwa tilted his head, meeting the kidnapper's gaze with an expression as neutral as he could manage. However, the wide-eyed innocence and the slight pout on his lips made him look almost toy-like, vulnerable. The contrast between his appearance and the danger the man posed was stark, and it tugged at something deep within Seonghwa.

The kidnapper approached him, kneeling down to untie the ropes binding Seonghwa's legs. He felt the tension in his muscles ease as the pressure was released. But before Seonghwa could fully appreciate his newfound freedom, the man gently connected Seonghwa's palms with his own, causing confusion to ripple through him.

"You're awake," the kidnapper stated, his tone calm and steady.

Seonghwa nodded vigorously, trying to decipher the emotions hidden behind the mask.

The kidnapper stood up, pulling out a gun that gleamed ominously in the light, and pointed it at his forehead. Seonghwa's heart raced, a mixture of hope and dread swirling inside him. He watched intently, his mind racing with possibilities. 

This is it. He'll let me go. I'll finally be free.

The kidnapper noticed the calm expression on Seonghwa's face and tilted his head, curiosity dancing in his powerful gaze. "Most people would start begging to be spared right about now. If I were you, I would too."

Instead of fear, Seonghwa felt an unexpected wave of defiance surge within him. He mustered a sweet grin that surprised his kidnapper quite a bit. It was bittersweet, reflecting the gravity of his situation.

"You don't understand," Seonghwa began, his voice steady. "I've been begging for my freedom for a long time, just not in the way you think. If you pull the trigger, I'll die happy."

The kidnapper raised an eyebrow, intrigued. And Seonghwa could see it behind the mask.

"Do you know what it's like to live in a cage made of expectations?" Seonghwa continued, his heart pounding. "My parents wanted a perfect son, but all they got was a disappointment in their eyes because I chose to wear crop tops and skirts and grow my hair long. They never once cared about my grades or my dreams. A-All they see is my appearance."

Seonghwa's voice began to tremble, and he fought to hold back the tears that threatened to spill. Memories flooded his mind—his father's furious outbursts, his mother's disappointed glances. He paused, swallowing hard, willing himself to stay composed. I can't let him see me break.

"I remember the first time I wore a crop top," he continued, his voice catching. "It was like stepping into a new skin, feeling free for the first time. But when I walked into the house, the looks on their faces shattered that freedom in an instant. They called me names, told me I was a disgrace. I started hiding who I was, but no matter what I did, I was never enough for them."

He took a deep breath, feeling the lump in his throat swell. "Every time I came home, I felt the weight of their disappointment crushing me. It hurt more than any physical pain. And now, to be taken from all of that...It's almost a relief, but I'm scared. Scared that this might be the only freedom I ever find. So if you kill me, I'll gladly let you. Please, pull the trigger."

The kidnapper remained silent, his expression unreadable. Seonghwa couldn't tell if his words resonated with him or if he was merely indulging him in this twisted game.

The kidnapper studied him closely, those piercing eyes searching for cracks in Seonghwa's facade. There was a flicker of something in his gaze—was it admiration, amusement, or perhaps a recognition of shared struggles?

"You're a strange one," the kidnapper finally said, a hint of intrigue in his voice. "Most people would be begging for mercy right now, but you stand there, defiant, even in chains."

Seonghwa shrugged, the weight of his life's disappointments pressing heavily on his shoulders. "I don't have anything left to lose. I was already a prisoner before you took me." He smiled at his kidnapper, but not from jubilation. From rancorousness.

The kidnapper's lips curled into a smirk, a dangerous gleam in his eyes. The mask hid his face horribly from Seonghwa. "Then perhaps we'll have some fun with this."

Seonghwa's stomach twisted with unease. What does he mean by fun?

"You've got guts, Seonghwa," the kidnapper continued, his tone shifting. "But you're also incredibly naïve if you think I'm just going to let you go. This is a game, and you're just starting to play."

Seonghwa's heart raced as he processed the implications of the kidnapper's words. Game? The idea sent shivers down his spine, but a defiant spark ignited within him. He could feel the desperation clawing at his insides, urging him to act.

"Then let's play," he blurted out, his voice steadier than he felt. "Just...don't let me go. Please."

The kidnapper paused, his brow furrowing slightly in surprise. Seonghwa took advantage of the moment, his eyes wide and earnest. "Please," he added, his tone pleading. "I-I'd rather be here than out there. E-Even if I'm locked up, I feel safer here than I ever did at home. Out there, I was nothing but a disappointment to my parents, a-an object of scorn. Here, I'm...just me."

For a moment, silence hung heavily in the air. The kidnapper regarded him with an intensity that made Seonghwa's heart skip. The mask obscured his face, but those eyes—those piercing eyes—seemed to reveal something deeper, something unexpected.

Then, slowly, the kidnapper lowered the gun, his expression shifting from surprise to curiosity. He stepped closer, closing the distance between them. Seonghwa's breath hitched as the man leaned down, their faces mere inches apart. He felt the warmth radiating from the kidnapper, the intensity of the moment enveloping them both.

The kidnapper reached out and once again connected their hands, this time with a gentler grip. Seonghwa's heart raced, a blend of fear and something else he couldn't quite identify swirling within him.

"You're unlike anyone I've ever met," the kidnapper said, his voice low and steady, laced with a strange sort of admiration. "Most people would be begging for their lives, but you—you're asking to stay. You don't want to be free."

Seonghwa blinked but then smiled the sweetest he's ever smiled at his kidnapper, the weight of his words crashing over him like a wave. He didn't know how to respond; the truth was that he had felt more alive in captivity than he ever had in the outside world. Here, he could be himself without the suffocating expectations of his parents.

"Why?" the kidnapper pressed, tilting his head slightly, his gaze unwavering. "What is it that makes you want to be here with me? You could be free."

"I-I don't want to go back to that life," Seonghwa confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'd rather be here, e-even if it's dangerous. I can't go back to the pain, the judgement...the constant feeling of not being enough."

The kidnapper studied him for a long moment, and Seonghwa felt a strange connection forming between them—a shared understanding of pain, perhaps.

"Maybe this game isn't going to be as simple as I thought," the kidnapper finally said, his tone softer than before. "You're going to be more than just my captive. We'll see how this plays out."

Seonghwa nodded, a small flicker of hope igniting within him. "T-Thank you." For the first time since his abduction, he felt a strange sense of possibility—a sense that maybe this dark twist of fate could lead to something different, something transformative.

As the kidnapper released his grip, Seonghwa watched him carefully, the line between captor and protector blurring with each passing moment. Whatever was to come, Seonghwa was ready to face it, no longer just a victim but a willing participant in this twisted game of life and freedom.

kidnapper's protection | seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now