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Seonghwa felt like a restless ghost drifting through Hongjoong's apartment. No matter how much he tried to focus, the weight of anticipation gnawed at him. He had tried reading, scrolling on his phone, even cleaning—anything to pass the time. But it wasn't working.

He found himself wandering from room to room, touching things just for the sake of it—running his hand along the smooth surface of the kitchen counter, flipping the edges of books he'd never read, peeking out the windows. The hours dragged on, making the silence around him unbearable.

His thoughts spiraled, each one pulling him deeper into the confusion he felt about Hongjoong. How could someone with this much wealth and luxury—this pristine apartment, the meticulous furniture—also lead a double life as a criminal? None of it made sense, and yet, here Seonghwa was, waiting for him.

And that was the strangest part—waiting for him.

He hated how much he cared. Hated how a part of him had grown fond of the strange, dangerous presence that filled the air whenever Hongjoong was near. Seonghwa would never admit it aloud, but this house was starting to feel more like home than any place he'd ever known.

He paced back and forth across the living room, glancing at the front door every few minutes. The thought of Hongjoong being out in the world, doing god knows what, made his chest ache with an emotion he refused to name.

The ticking of the clock was driving him insane. He checked his phone again. It was almost evening—Hongjoong was bound to return soon, right?

He huffed, sitting on the couch, only to stand again moments later. Waiting like this felt unbearable.

Suddenly, the sound of a key turning in the lock echoed through the apartment. The front door clicked open, and Seonghwa froze where he stood, his heart stuttering in his chest.

His whole body seemed to shift with that sound, the irritation and restlessness melting away in an instant. His eyes flicked to the door, and his pulse quickened as the familiar figure stepped inside.

Hongjoong walked in slowly, shutting the door behind him with a quiet click. He didn't say a word at first, just shrugged off his coat and tossed it onto the chair by the door.

Seonghwa couldn't help the small smile that crept onto his face. His mood lightened without warning, as if a weight had been lifted off his chest.

"You're back," Seonghwa said softly, his voice almost hesitant.

Hongjoong's eyes found him, and though his expression was masked by the familiar balaclava, Seonghwa knew—he could feel it in the air—that the other man was pleased to see him too.

"Missed me that much?" Hongjoong asked, his voice low and amused as he stepped further inside.

Seonghwa's lips twitched. "Not really."

"Sure." Hongjoong smirked, pulling off his gloves and tossing them aside. "You've been waiting, haven't you?"

Seonghwa rolled his eyes but didn't bother denying it. Instead, he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, pretending to be nonchalant even though his heart was racing.

Hongjoong approached slowly, closing the space between them. There was always something deliberate about his movements—like a predator circling prey, patient and sure.

Seonghwa felt the familiar pull in his chest, that strange mix of fear and fascination that Hongjoong always stirred in him. It was maddening how easy it was for this man to unravel him without even trying.

"You look happier than when I left," Hongjoong noted, tilting his head.

"Maybe I am," Seonghwa murmured, feeling the corners of his lips tug upward again, despite himself.

Hongjoong stood before him now, close enough that Seonghwa could feel the warmth radiating off him. The air between them was charged, thick with unspoken things.

Hongjoong's gaze lingered on him for a moment longer before he reached out, gently brushing his fingers against Seonghwa's hand.

"Come here," Hongjoong whispered, his voice softer than Seonghwa expected.

Seonghwa hesitated, but only for a second. Then, with a small sigh, he let Hongjoong pull him in—just close enough for their hands to intertwine.

And for a moment, everything else faded away.

Hongjoong slowly pulled away from the hug, but their foreheads stayed connected, the closeness lingering like a promise neither of them spoke aloud. The way Seonghwa's breath ghosted against his lips made Hongjoong's grip tighten just slightly before he murmured, "I've got something for you."

At that, Seonghwa's eyes lit up, the fatigue from earlier replaced with an almost childlike excitement. He shifted on his feet, practically bouncing, the eagerness bubbling over. His whole face was glowing—eyes wide, lips tugging into an uncontainable grin.

"Really?" Seonghwa asked, sounding both surprised and thrilled. It wasn't often he received gifts, not since he could remember. There had never been someone who thought about giving him anything just for the sake of it.

Hongjoong smirked. "Mm. Something small."

With a teasing lilt in his voice, Seonghwa quipped, "Did you actually buy it or did you steal it?"

Hongjoong chuckled under his breath, pulling something out of his coat pocket. "You'll never know."

Seonghwa's playful grin faltered when he saw what Hongjoong held—a pair of delicate star-shaped hair clips. The metal shimmered softly in the low light of the room, their edges detailed, as if plucked from the night sky itself.

Without a word, Hongjoong gently brushed Seonghwa's bangs to the side, exposing his forehead. He slipped the clips into place, tucking the strands neatly away. His movements were uncharacteristically tender, and his fingers lingered just a second too long on Seonghwa's temple, as if savoring the moment.

"There," Hongjoong whispered, stepping back slightly to admire his work. "You look perfect."

Seonghwa blinked, stunned by the simple gesture. It wasn't extravagant, but it hit deeper than any grand gift ever could. He stood there for a beat, processing the unfamiliar feeling welling up inside him—gratitude, pure and unfiltered.

And then, without thinking, Seonghwa threw his arms around Hongjoong, hugging him far tighter than he'd intended. His face pressed into the crook of Hongjoong's neck, and for a moment, he let himself melt into the warmth and security that Hongjoong's presence offered.

Hongjoong stiffened in surprise at the force of the hug, but he didn't push Seonghwa away. If anything, he gently wrapped his arms around him, a bit unsure but willing.

"Thank you," Seonghwa whispered, his voice muffled but full of sincerity.

Hongjoong blinked, taken aback. He couldn't believe how grateful Seonghwa was over something so small. With all the wealth at Hongjoong's disposal, Seonghwa could have asked for anything: jewelry, clothes, gadgets, or even a new life. But instead, Seonghwa hugged him like this tiny gift meant the world to him.

It was...new.

Hongjoong tightened his hold just slightly, his fingers pressing into Seonghwa's back, savoring the rare moment of closeness. A part of him realized he didn't want to let go just yet.

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