What are the Benefits of Fasting?

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The world's largest centers for research on therapeutic fasting, the in Germany, founded by Dr. Otto Buchinger, have been in existence for over 100 years. Now operated by the 4th generation of the Buchinger family, the clinics, in cooperation with extensive university research, have conducted over 250,000 clinical fasts and proven beyond a doubt that fasting is one of the most powerful and effective means to promote healing, vitality and longevity. The clinic's fasting programs have evolved into highly effective holistic, personalized and scientifically documented treatment traditions.

As a naval doctor, Dr. Otto Buchinger was infected by rheumatism of the joints caused by septicemia (blood poisoning) and was forced to retire from the navy. Conventional Western medicine was of no help and he was referred to Doctor Riedlin in Freiburg, who prescribed therapeutic fasting. A resounding success, the fasting activated his self-healing powers and saved his life. Consequently, dedicated the rest of his life to developing his fasting clinic and became instrumental in boosting the emotional and physical well-being of thousands of people.

Attended by over 6,500 guests annually, and looked after by teams of up to 20 doctors, 60 nurses and 300 employees, the clinic's attendees overcome fatigue, anxiety, pain, toxicity, obesity, mental health issues such as depression, and a host of other illnesses. Nothing short of miraculous, many lives have been radically changed and the program has gained legions of converts. It has been proven that fasting cleanses and restores our insides on every level, physically, mentally and spiritually. When our insides are taken care of, the outsides are fine and we feel healthy, revitalized and gain marked improvements in our complexion and eye color.

There are a myriad of reasons to fast. Dangerous chemicals, invisible toxins, deadly metals like mercury, lead, chromium, cadium and arsenic, as well as various parasites settle in our bodies and can cause chronic pain and . People often travel from doctor to doctor and never find the root cause of their suffering. For example, a clogged, putrefied colon can cause depression and a person can waste valuable time and money visiting a psychiatrist and getting misdiagnosed. Detoxification and a simple colon cleanse often solves the problem.

But a fast doesn't merely detoxify; it can also break down superfluous tissue-fat, abnormal cells, atheromatous plaque, and even tumors. Fasting is likened to wringing out a sponge full of filthy water. It helps release toxins, diseased matter and cellular byproducts from fatty and lymphatic tissues. Fasting then helps to mobilize the contaminants into the body's circulation system for elimination.

When detoxing the body, fasting can also prevent disease. During a fast the mind is cleared, sharpened and clarity improves. Energy levels increase and the nervous system is balanced. People lose unwanted weight, which alleviates pressure from the entire bodily system. During fasting, every organ is rested, strengthened and healed. The body's cellular biochemistry is meticulously cleaned and balanced. Breathing becomes fuller and freer. Joints are rejuvenated and there is a greater ease of movement. The entire digestive and elimination systems are rested and cleaned.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of fasting, about the harmful foods and we are being subjected to, and how to effectively deal with them, do yourself and your loved ones a favor and read . Learn how to detoxify and strengthen organs like the colon, kidneys, liver and gallbladder. Combining science, history, spiritual wisdom and over 50 years of study and personal experience, Fasting Firepower is one of the most insightful books ever written on fasting, detoxification and natural healing. The straightforward answers may surprise you, challenge you and quite possibly save your life!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2024 ⏰

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