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Authors Note: Okay, so this is my first story to be put on Wattpad. It might not be that great, but I thought it'd be cool to get my work seen be others. Comment what you think! Here's my story!

"Marius! No!" Èponine cried as she darted up the barricade. A soldier had his gun pointed at Marius and was ready to shoot. But before he could take his shot, Èponine grabbed the barrel of the gun and pulled it towards her.  

"Èponine!" I shouted from the bottom of the barricade, but it was too late. With a pull of the trigger, the soldier's gun went off, sending a bullet straight through Èponine's torso. She stumbled backwards, her face expressionless. I looked back at Marius, who now had a barrel full of ammunition in his hand. He picked up a torch, and threatened to blow up the barricade.  

"Back off!" The soldier commanded. The troops soon disappeared. I saw Marius look back at Èponine. She was sitting down and her breathing was staggered. Marius sat down beside her and pulled her into his arms. I looked away, a tear dropping from my eye. When I looked back, Èponine's eyes were closed and Marius laid a kiss on her forehead. My heart dropped. I slowly walked over towards Marius, who was sobbing. "She will not die in vain" I said, choking on the tears I was trying to hide. Marius glanced up at me, and I saw the pain in his eyes. He had just lost his best friend.  

"Thank you, Enjolras." He whispered.  

I picked Èponine's limp body up and carried her into the empty cafè. After I placed her on the ground, I couldn't fight my sadness anymore. Tears started flowing from my eyes like a waterfall. "Èponine...why? Why did you have to die? Èponine..." I sobbed. Dropping onto my knees, I picked up her cold body and cradled her in my arms. "Èponine. I love you." I whispered into her ear. "I love you."  

Suddenly, I heard the sound of footsteps approaching. It was Joly. He walked to me and kneeled beside me. I quickly wiped away my tears and tried to mask my sadness. A leader shouldn't show any emotion other than bravery. Joly chuckled. I laid Èponine's body back on the ground. He patted his hand against my back, then helped me stand up.  

"So, Enjolras. You finally fall for a girl and you decide to tell her that now?" He said.  

"Me? Fall for her? Come on, Joly. I don't even know her name." I replied, hoping to hide my feelings.  

"Enjolras..." Joly gave me a look, as if to say "stop lying." 

"Fine. If you must know, I love Èponine. Or I guess I should say loved now..." I confessed. "But she never would have felt the same way about me. You know how she felt about Marius."  

"But Marius loves Cosette."  

"Yes, I know." 

"So why didn't you tell her?"  

"She would have rejected me." 

"You don't know that." 

"And now I never will." I looked back at Èponine lying on the ground, all the color washed out of her body. A tear fell from my eye. When I glanced back at Joly, he had a tear in his eye as well.  

"If you don't mind me asking, when did your feelings for her start?" He asked quietly.  

I went silent as my first memories of Èponine were resurfaced from the back of my mind.  

"Let's sit down, Joly. This might take a while." I said as I pulled a chair from a nearby table and sat down. Joly did the same. Then, I opened my mouth and was instantly transported back in time as I began to tell the tale of my unknown love of a street urchin named Èponine.

Authors Note (again): Sorry it's short, but let me know what you think in the comments! And if you liked it, then vote! If people read this and like it, then I will post more :)

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