5. "Teach Me."

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"Teach Me."

Dedicated to justinwifeme because she is a bomb ass bitch. And a horny one.

⠀⠀⠀⠀It was silent in the halls. Class had already started fifty minutes ago and I was running down the halls to get to my class.

I had never been late to school. I always made sure I was at least five minutes in class before the bell rang. I liked being early, never late and this particular morning I was running an hour late.

First period was almost over, I knew it but I wanted to be in class before the bell rang. I didn't care if I would get odd looks from my classmates. I had to assure myself that my perfect attendance wouldn't be ruined.

Clutching my books to my chest and my backpack attached to my back, I saw my first period class ahead. By now, I was running so fast that I was sprinting.

Just as I went to reach for the door knob, my books fell to my feet, my papers falling all over the place in a mess. It so happened that the bell rang at the same time. First period was over and I wanted to cry.

I bent down to pick up my things as students scattered the hallway.

"Let me help you," a deep voice offered softly, bending down in his tan slacks to help me pick up my things. I wiped away the tear that cascaded down my cheek just as fast as it fell.

"Thank you," I whispered, standing up after gathering the last of my things. I couldn't look up but I knew who it was.

"I have to ask, Miss Kingsley. Why did you skip my class?" Mr. Bieber looked at me in concern. "You are not the usual student who skips my class."

"I know," I frowned, looking down at my books. "I'm sorry. I just- uh, woke up late and um, got here as fast as I could once I realized the time," I stuttered.

"You do not have to apologize. Us humans are bound to have slip ups every once in a while," he patted my back in a soothing manner with a small smile adorning his plumped lips. "If you would like, I could write you a pass to your next class?" he offered.

"Thank you but no thank you. My next class is right next to yours. I should get going, though, before I am late." I looked back down at my books getting ready to leave.

"Will you stop by my class after school? There is a new assignment I assigned during class today. I would like to explain it to you."

"Yes, Mr. Bieber," I said and scurried off to my next class, just in time for the bell to ring.

I let out a sigh of relief that I wasn't late two times in a row in one day.

The day passed by quickly and before I knew it, I was headed to Mr. Bieber's classroom.

He explained the assignment to me and handed me a few papers I would need. Our hands touched gently as he was passing the papers and I felt an electricity bolt in my hand and through my arm. A tingling sensation washed over me and I blushed, hoping that Mr. Bieber didn't notice the affect he had on me.

I never usually paid attention to Mr. Bieber's good looks, although, he had all the girls in the school swooning over him but as I look at him in adoration, I know why.

Mr. Bieber was the definition of perfection. Every structure and fiber in Mr. Bieber was sculpted precisely from the hands of God.

His eyes were a mixture of hazel and chocolate. When they looked into your own they made you feel that he was looking into your soul and it took my breath away. His chiseled jawline had a few hairs that made him look manly and maybe even older than his actual age. His pink, moist lips would be the death of me. They were the perfect shape and I bet they would feel like clouds against my own. And oh god, his hair. I wanted to run and twirl my fingers through his dirty blonde hair while he had me underneath him against my will.

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