1. An Affair with the Pool Cleaner

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An Affair with the Pool Cleaner
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀He gripped my hips aggressively, tugging my ass into his crotch. I felt his hard dick poking out of his trousers against my ass, begging to spring free. My thong exposed my ass freely to his greedy eyes. Every inch and every curve. His muscular hands fit perfectly on my waist and the roughness of his movements showed how much he needed me.

A smirk etched on my lips as his hands slowly and gently moved down to my ass. Rubbing it up and down he suddenly gripped it hard causing a gasp to escape my lips. "Justin!" I giggled, turning around whilst his hands still firmly held my ass and slapped his chest.

His pearly white teeth flashed a sly grin. It was truly memorizing, the way the edge of his plumped, moist lips curved and caused a dimple to form on the right side of his cheek. The action made my vagina clench in an instant and within the same moment a chuckled aroused deeply from his throat. My hands that were resting on his chest felt the vibration and the sound was like music to my ears.

He ducked his head down to the crease of my neck, beginning to leave several light kisses. "What if I just bit you?" He murmured against my skin and continuing his consecutive kisses that soaked my panties more and more.

The thought was actually flattering that he wanted to mark me, but I held back my laugh. What would give him that idea? He knew he couldn't leave a visible mark on any liable part of my body. I almost gave him permission him until I remembered that we were at my sister's wedding and I couldn't possibly go back to my husband with markings on my neck.

"Don't." I mumbled. My head was tilted back to allow him more access to my neck and my eyes were shut. The contact between his lips against my skin sent shivers along my spine and pinched at my hard nipples. His fluffy hair was wrapped around my fingers as I twisted and turned the locks of his golden hair, pushing his head closer to my neck, if possible.

My chest pressed against his own, I wanted him so bad that my vagina was pulsing for his touch. The fabric of my thong was already drenching with wetness and I didn't know how much longer I would be able to stand before I collapsed.

We were on the balcony of the venue and I was hoping no could see us from here. I couldn't let anyone know who I was because they would for sure know that Justin was not my husband. I couldn't risk letting my husband find out I was having an affair with our pool cleaner. He would kill me.

I didn't want to think of my husband any longer. He would ruin my joyful mood and right now I wanted to focus on Justin and I. My husband was nothing compared to Justin. All he cared about was his job and the money he got from his job. Our friends and family thought he was the greatest husband. Loving and caring, but that was how he wanted them to see him. Behind closed doors he was aggressive, controlling, and most importantly abusive.

Whenever something didn't go right at work, he would come home and take out his anger on me, leading to a lot of bruises to be left on my body, which were hidden from the public eye. Fortunately, he had never touched our two daughters. I would never let him. Those two were my babies and if he had ever put a hand on either one of them, I would leave him without hesitation.

Charlotte and Eloise were my world. I smiled at the thought of them. Charlotte was four and Eloise was our newest addition to the family; only eighteen months old. I wished I didn't have to leave them with a babysitter tonight, but my husband insisted on doing so. I regretted listening to him. They should be here with their mother, not with a teenage girl that was having sex with her boyfriend on my bed. The house monitor was always useful for times like that.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked softly as one of his hands traveled from my waist to my face. He used his thumb to brush against my cheek bone lightly.

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