8. Mr. Bieber and Innocence

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Mr. Bieber and Innocence

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"My house today?" Maddy asked as we walked out of the school entry way.

"Yeah," I smiled. "I'll see you at four?" I asked as I headed to my mom's car.

"As always," she grinned then parted ways to head off to the bus. "Don't forget the 'movie'," she called out before she vanished. My cheeks flushed once I realized my mom heard.

"What movie was Maddy talking about?" she asked when I got in the car and placed my bag on the backseat.

"Uh," I dragged out, thinking of what to say. I couldn't tell her what the movie really was; I had to lie, which I had always been bad at doing. "It's about...a girl. And a boy."

She raised her eyebrow as she drove off. "Why are you acting strange?"

"I don't know what you are talking about," I said quickly. Too quickly.

I bit my lip, knowing she was catching on. Thankfully she let it go. "Okay, then," she said hesitantly. "How was school?" she changed the subject and I was never happier.


"You're here!" Maddy squealed when she opened the door. "Finally," she huffed and pushed me inside, closing the front door. I didn't even have the chance to wave goodbye to my mom. "Do you have it?" she asked as we ran up the stairs.


A man walked out of a room with only boxers on, scratching the back of his head. It was evident that he had just woken up from a nap by his messy bed hair and tired eyes.

I had never seen him before.

"Dad," Maddy whined. My eyes nearly bulged out when she said dad. "Put on some clothes, we have a guest!"

How come I have never seen my best friend's dad? We had been friends for almost ten years and never have I ever seen him, not even once.

Her father looked at me then back to Maddy. "She doesn't seem like she minds," he winked at me with those hazel eyes of his. I immediately shut my mouth, realizing he was referring to my mouth that was left ajar. My cheeks flamed red.

Maddy glared at him. "Don't flirt with my friends, you're too old for them. Go back to bed."

He chuckled. "Why are you guys running through the hallways anyways? What's so important that you have to rush to your room for?" he leaned against the door frame and yawned.

"Paisley forgot to finish her project and it's due tomorrow so I'm helping her. We are on a limited time schedule so bye and don't bother coming into my room," she grabbed my wrist and dragged me to her room. I took a glance back and saw her father with a smirk on his lips, looking at me. I was going to send a friendly smile until Maddy's bedroom door closed.

"How come I have never seen your dad?" I asked once we sat on her bed pretzel styled.

Maddy shrugged and began to eye the CD that I placed on the bed. "I told you, he works a lot. He mostly works during the day and comes home late at night. And if he's not in his office then he is on one of his business trips."

"I've slept over many times and have never seen him. You know we always pull all nighters at our sleepovers together." I was baffled. I couldn't believe I have never met her father. I always thought he was MIA and that she was lying about him being a workaholic.

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