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It's late afternoon when the boys meet up again, this time indoors at Hongjoong's apartment. The large open living room is comfortable and cluttered with the remnants of Hongjoong's creative work. Notebooks and sketches are scattered across the table, a guitar leaning against the wall, evidence of his constant creative flow. Seonghwa can't help but feel slightly impressed by the room's ambiance. It feels cozy yet chaotic in a way that suits Hongjoong perfectly.

The group arrives slowly. Wooyoung, Yeosang, and Mingi are already there, sitting on the soft beige couch, trying their best to act like this gathering is completely normal, when in reality, it's anything but.

Hongjoong is in the kitchen, moving around with an ease that only comes from being in your own space. He calls out to everyone, offering drinks and snacks as he tries to play the perfect host, even though his mind is elsewhere, thinking about Yunho and the absence that somehow feels heavier than it should.

And then the doorbell rings again. Jongho and San arrive.


San is standing at the door, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jacket, looking like he'd rather be anywhere else. He feels the familiar churn in his stomach at the thought of seeing Wooyoung again, his heart doing that annoying thing where it speeds up the second he remembers Wooyoung's face.

Maybe I should've just stayed home. Jongho dragged me out here, but I could've said no... Maybe it's better this way. If I act normal, Wooyoung won't know he bothered me. Maybe I can pretend I didn't care.

As the door swings open, San locks eyes with Hongjoong first, who grins brightly and motions for them to come in. The warmth of the room contrasts with the cold feeling settling in San's chest. The familiar tension is back, the one he's tried so hard to ignore since that day with Wooyoung. He takes a deep breath and follows Jongho inside.

The second San steps into the living room, his eyes unintentionally flicker towards the couch where Wooyoung is seated, half-lounging and mid-laugh at something Mingi just said. The sight of him makes San freeze for a split second.

Wooyoung is as breathtaking as ever. But there's that gnawing sting of rejection that hits him all over again. He quickly averts his gaze, pretending like Wooyoung isn't there, like the very sight of him doesn't twist something deep inside his chest.


On the other side of the room, Wooyoung immediately feels San's presence. His laugh fades as his eyes shift towards the door.

Fuck. He's here. Of course, he's here. What did I expect? Of course Hongjoong would invite him. He invited all of them. Why didn't I check before coming?

The sight of San walking in, purposefully ignoring him, sends an uncomfortable knot tightening in Wooyoung's stomach. There's a heaviness to the way San doesn't even glance his way. The coldness of it is worse than anything Wooyoung imagined. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, suddenly hyperaware of his every move.

Mingi notices the shift in Wooyoung's posture and raises an eyebrow.

"What's up with you?" Mingi asks quietly, but Wooyoung just shakes his head, brushing it off.

"Nothing," Wooyoung lies, trying to steady his nerves. I need to fix this. But how?


Jongho steps in behind San, his eyes scanning the room quickly, landing almost immediately on Yeosang. He hadn't expected his heart to jolt the way it did when he saw him again, sitting quietly in the corner, sipping on a drink. Yeosang looks just as reserved as the first time they met, his face as unreadable as ever. But there's something about him that keeps drawing Jongho in.

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